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A danger to her

Marco's pov

Luca ran behind me walking into into a small boutique as we hid from Angelo's men.

Angelo was coming for us and he wasn't going to stop until he killed me and everyone close to me.

Everyone that has walked into my life I have put in danger , I've pushed everyone in my life away for the same reasons.

But Luca had stayed with me he has stayed with me through it all and never walked away.

He saw how dangerous it was to be close with me but still never walked away, I never deserved someone like Luca he was too good for me.

We managed to hide from them but not for too long , we needed to load up on our weapons and in order for us to do so we had to run to my car.

I always kept extra weapons in my car Incase I needed them and right now being one of those case's.

"I only have two bullets left." Luca said as he checked his pistol.

"I've none , there's extra guns in the Lambo I'll run and get them,cover me."

"Marco didn't you listen to me I said I have two fucking bullets left I won't be able to cover you."

"Well then use them wisely."I said as I ran out the boutique using vehicles as cover until I reached my Lambo.

I opened the door and pulled two guns under the driver's seat throwing the other to Luca.

I got out the car using it as cover as I shot multiple men to the ground Luca helping me.

Soon enough all the men were down.

Without even hesitating Luca and I got into the lambo on our way to the warehouse.

"We'll go to the warehouse Incase any of them are following us." I said as I stepped harder on the gas.

It would be too dangerous to head straight home, if any of the men were following us the location of the mansion would be out and I wouldn't risk that.

The mansion also doubled as a safe house so no one knew the location of it besides luca, Amelia and Laura.

Not even my most trustful men knew the location of the mansion.

We stopped in front of the wearhouse quickly getting out the car as we headed in.

Gabriel was waiting inside along with the other men."We lost them , but Angelo is coming for us and he won't stop until we're all down."I said as I stood in front of the men.

"Whatever you want us to do sir were on standby."

I looked over to Luca who gave me an assuring nod."Contact the Romans." I said to Luca.

"Put the warehouse on lockdown and delay all the shipment that we have coming in, notify the Columbians about this... We're under attack."

Luca and I headed to my office and Luca's phone rang and he answered it."Francesco what's wrong?"

"We're are you right now... We'll be right there." He said then dropping the call.

The concerned look on his face as he turned to face me did not look appealing at all.

"What?" I asked.

"Laura had another panic attack and she's currently unconscious."

Fuck! I forgot about her panic attacks.

"What are you standing there for let's go."

"Marco it's too dangerous for us to leave right now,we may be followed."

"I don't care Luca my wife needs me." I stormed out the office grabbing the keys to one of the black SUV's.

Luca followed after me as we headed to the mansion.

When we arrived multiple guard's were situated in and all around the mansion.

Security was my most important priority after my job. Being in the Mafia came with a lot of enemies meaning a lot of security was needed.

I barged into the house only to find Laura unconscious on the couch with Francesco and Amelia beside her.

Amelia ran to Luca hugging him and Francesco came to approach me.

"The doctor checked her out and said she'll be unconscious for a few hours and that there's nothing to be consurned about."

I patted Francesco's shoulder as I thanked him.What would I do without him.

I turned to Luca whom looked worried as he held Amelia tight."Take her home I'll deal with Laura."

"Are you sure you don't need me." Luca asked.

"I'll be fine, take Amelia home , she must be stressed out about all that has happened and it's not good for the baby." Luca was hesitant to leave.

"Take care of her." He said as he turned to leave with Amelia.

I went over to the couch picking Laura up bridal style and taking her to our bedroom.

Placing her on the bed I took her leather boots and her trench coat off so she could sleep comfortably.

I left her to sleep as I took a shower.

Letting the warm water fall down my dark brown hair and onto my face down to my body till it reached my feet.

I've never made such a careless decision in my whole life.

In one day I've put my own wife and a pregnant woman in danger.

I should have never took her out the safety of the mansion, now I've put her in danger and on top of that she got another panic attack.

I always put people in danger, anyone that's close to me will always be in danger even if they are in the safest parts of the world.

I have enemies everywhere and I'm never safe anywhere I go.

I'm a danger to her.

I got out the bathroom and I saw Laura's phone flashing as a message popped up on her screen.

I went over to switch it off when I saw a message from an unknown number.

Unknown:Were coming for you Marino.

Laura's phone!


I took her phone and threw it on to the ground repeatedly stepping on it.

"Fuck!" I cussed out.

The day I get my hands on Angelo im going to chop every single body part of his before putting a bullet straight threw his skull.

If he dares touch Laura I'm going to kill his whole family including his three beautiful little girls.

I'm coming for you Angelo.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
I love this chapter so much and I hope you do too.
And if you didn't notice I changed the cover and I love this one more.

Please vote! Kisses 🤍

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