Mob Wives

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"When we go in here don't get smart. He don't like it" Marissa said as we headed into her uncles restaurant. I just smirked not knowing what I was about to step into.

"I won't, I won't" I shot back making her slap my arm as we made our way over to the table where her uncle was sat..

"Ahh Marissa, I'm glad your Here I need you to do something for me" he said as he puffed away on his cigar. I was hardly paying attention. I'd noticed a group of women sat in the booth next to his. They were considerably older than us but that'd never stopped me before. I shouldn't of even been looking because they were all married and taken by powerful men but one of them caught my eye. She'd been watching me since we'd walked in which had me feeling the pressure.

"Ciara" Marissa said slapping my arm again making me tut at her.

"Yeah Marissa?" I asked as she pulled me to the side to speak to me in private..

"My uncle wants us to drop this off then come back here to watch the restaurant. He's going away on business" she followed on saying so I nodded yes and we made our way to drop this package off. She told me to steer clear of Georgina because she was her uncles wife which had me shocked.

"She Likes to play away with women because my uncle won't leave her. She doesn't wanna be with him but she can't get out now" she said as we parked up and she turned the car off.

"Sounds heavy.. go drop that off anyway so we can go back and eat I'm starving" I replied changing the subject. I should of been taking her advice because her uncle meant business. She'd told me he didn't care to get his hands dirty because he had the police on payroll which meant people could go missing forever if he wanted them too..
Within minutes she was back in the car and we were headed back to the restaurant. This was the first time I'd rode with Marissa before so I felt this rush of adrenaline pump through my veins.

"Gino's meeting us here" she said smiling as we pulled up into the car park and parked up. He was her boyfriend she'd been with for a year. At first I didn't like him because he'd disrespect her a lot but lately they'd been better than ever..

"You seem so much happier with him lately.. you been getting that dick?" I said laughing making her blush then hit me in the arm.

"Shut up ciara.. at least I'm getting some.. you need to find a girl" she shot back as she grabbed the bag out the bag and we headed back into the restaurant..

"I know I do.. but I got my eye on someone" I smirked as my eyes shifted across the room to see if Georgina was still sat in the booth, luckily for me she was and we'd locked eyes. The sexual tension between us could be cut like a knife it was that strong..

"This is what she does Ciara.. don't fall for it.. trouble will follow" she said as she pulled me towards the office and we disappeared inside so she could put the money in the safe. I just rolled my eyes as usual at her telling me what I should and shouldn't do. She was like the older sister I never had which could be overly annoying at times but who isn't?

"That's a lot of money" I Said, jaw dropped as she stacked the bands on top of one another. She just laughed at my expression. I'd never seen this amount of money in real life before so I was shocked to say the least..

"You know you can be making money like me. I'm protected, my uncle would protect you too.. here, this is just a little taste of what life could be like" she smirked as she handed me a wad of notes wrapped in a band..

"Doing what though? I don't drive or anything.. shit Marissa how much is this?"

"We can teach you all that.. there's loads you could do.. just say the word and I'll speak to my uncle.. that's £1000 just for being my look out" she shot back as she shut the safe and we headed to go and order some food. I was still stunned at how quickly you could make money and I was definitely contemplating Marissa bringing me in..

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