Chapter 21

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Kay Flock's Pov

My court day in a few minutes and smth just don't feel right

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My court day in a few minutes and smth just don't feel right. Everytime I come here it's always some shit, but I hope everything goes smooth.

At court
Omniscient Pov

Bailiff: "Please rise. The court of Ridgewood City is now in session please rise, the Honorable Judge Perkins presiding."

Judge: "Bailiff what is today's case"

Bailiff: "Today's case is Daniel Perez vs Attorney Walter on behalf of Daniel Collins."

Judge: "Is the prosecution ready? Is the defense ready?"

Prosecutor & Defendant: "Yes, your honor."

A few minutes into the session

Prosecutor: "So you say that this was self defense am I right?"


"Well why didn't you do smth in that moment"

"Because there were kids around."

"Okay and you also say that it was your child that was being targeted by Mr.Collins (Dthang) right?"


"Is your child with us?"

"No, I don't want him to see me in this state."

"Hmm hard to believe Mr. Perez-"

"He has two children one girl and one boy how do you not believe that?!" Malayah yells.

"Malayah calm down its-"

"Now Mr. Perez you shouldn't be talking unless you're spoken too. And for the young lady in the crowd it should be silent." The judge speaks up.

Malayah rolls her eyes.

Judge: "Now back to the case, what happened during that day at the park?"

"When we first got there my son was on the swings and he was just playing around I didn't see anyone around and I ended up calling his mom to ask if I should pick my daughter up from school. Then like 3 minutes later my son started screaming and that's when I saw the gun to his head."

"Hmm I'm sorry that happened to your son Mr. Perez, but I'm afraid you have no evidence of this happening do you have any witnesses of the scene in the crowd?"

"Yes his son is in the car I can go get him." Malyah speaks up again.

"Young lady I thought I told you to be silent! But as you wish go get his son."

A few minutes later Malyah comes in with Kaiser and sits him down in the witness chair.

"What's happening dada?" Kaiser looks concerned.

"It's alright little boy I just wanna ask you a few questions and make sure you tell the truth okay?"

Kaiser turns to look at his dad and Kevin gives him a reassuring smile.

"Okay." Kaiser looks back at the lady.

"So you remember when you were at the park right?"


"Can you tell me what happened?"

"A bad man put a gun to my head and I was scared, my mommy says guns are bad and my dad said that man is a bad man and to stay away from him. Kaiser takes a pause then looks at Malayah. "Mommy why is dada in handcuffs?"

"Okay that's enough talking ma'am please take your child."

Malayah starts to get frustrated but she remains calm for the sake of her child.

"Yes your honor." She says through gritted teeth.

"Alright prosecutor any last submissions?"

"No your honor"

"What about you defenseman ?"

"No your honor"

"Well I've heard enough for today, Kevin Perez you may be released under a 25,000 bond because you have a firearm without a license. If you can pay it upfront now you won't have to pay off any money later. This case has been closed thank you."

Kay flocks pov

I was low key worried bc malayah kept getting mad I thought that was gonna be mess shi up  but it didn't

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I was low key worried bc malayah kept getting mad I thought that was gonna be mess shi up but it didn't.

"Omg I can't believe you won." she hugs me

"I'm glad you had the kids in the car." I kiss her

"Yeah I had too because Mya and Kenzie were too hungover so I had Dougs in the car with them." She kisses me back

"Alright ma I gotta go back and get my paper and shit I love you."

"I love you more."

Malyahs pov
In the car

Malyahs pov In the car

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"Mommy?" Kaiser starts.

"Yes hun?"

"Why was dada in handcuffs?"

"Dada was in handcuffs?" LaLa asks Kaiser.

"Yes I went in the place and I saw it."

"That means dada was in jail. Mommy why did u lie to us?" LaLa starts again.

"I'm sorry dada said not to say anything to protect y'all." I say on the verge of tears.

LaLa turns her head and looks out the window I can tell she was mad.

And Kaiser looks at me in disappointment and lays on LaLa.

I just shake my head I didn't know what to do.


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