Tamayo and Yushiro had felt something shift.
It also didn't help when this woman appeared before them. A beautiful woman who must be foreign and traditional for how her robes seem ancient even to Tamayo.
"My name is Guanyin and I need you to come with me." Yushiro slowly turns to Tamayo who had gone a bit pale.
Perhaps Douma wasn't as insane as she believed. There was some truth in his words and he didn't get cursed by another demon's blood art.
For his words to be true was a young inexperienced slayer finding Muzan on one of his first missions. It was unbelievable.
But here she was experiencing the exact thing Douma had said but instead of Buddha, it was Guanyin of Chinese Mythology. Not a myth but an actual deity.
She should have not let Douma leave when he did.
Nakime holds her hand up, ready to strike her Biwa."Why do you serve him?" Nakime does move as a woman steps into view. She wasn't a slayer nor was she a normal human. She carries a fan at her waist, different compared to Douma, more like a Uchiwa.
Silence is heavy but the woman only smiles.
"He can so easily throw you away. Only using you for your abilities." Nakime is about to strike her cord, the woman before her only raising her Uchiwa.
"How about this, wait till after sunrise, to see what goes down and see how truly powerful your lord is against Buddha's chosen and his group?"
Nakime thinks for a moment setting her hand down for a moment.
"What is your name?"
The woman smiles, her beauty closer to a demon than a goddess.
"My name is Princess Iron Fan." She casts only one spell to make sure this realm is truly separated from the battle.
His escape route was gone, severed like all his other demons.
Nakime, you had the potential to be the most loyal. What a pity you've fallen like these fools.
Whatever the case, he'll escape as he always has. Blades may come for his head but none have come close enough.
Except with that technique. The blasted breathing style developed by Kokushibo's twin, the swordsman. The one who haunts him to this day.
Blood hits the bark, laughter echoing through the trees as Hakuji is held by his throat, choking as Douma grins."Akaza-dono, what happened? You were more fierce than this." It didn't help that the pain stayed in his bones. No matter the amount of training he had done with Kyojuro, the wounds stayed.
Now he had cuts all over because Douma never takes anything seriously.
Except for one thing.
The idiot's nose twitches and his grin stretches. Those cursed eyes twinkled like a false light in a cave.
" I'll be right back, Akaza-dono." He wants to correct him for using the wrong name but the moment his throat leaves he crumbles. Power is gone from his legs and he only wants to drag the demon by his ponytail but he's out of reach.
He collapses to the ground, his chest meeting dirt watching as Douma disappears into the trees.
He needed to move, MOVE!
Fangs dig into his lip as he roars out after the dumbass.
He was floating.Everything is so light and yet heavy all at once.
Yet it was all -
Frost leaves Douma's mouth when he awakens.
"So you're finally awake! I was wondering when you would wake up."
Douma looks up from where he is, lying on the ground in a dark room. It was his throne room where he did his sermons.
He gets to his feet, scanning till he finally turns to where his throne is.
Only he sees-
Bright eyes look at him, colorful and cold. How fake that smile was he wondered why anyone fell for it.
"My, what a handsome face." Douma watches his past self get even more comfortable on his bean bag throne, his hat firm on his head. How he ever got used to that damn thing was beyond him.
His crown felt tight on him as he stood his ground when his past self got up, opening his fan. He circles Douma smiling.
"How is it to be constantly hungry?" Douma listens to him hum. "Don't you miss the worshippers? Especially the ones who ask for paradise?"
No...his teacher had taught him better.
"I see you've gotten close to our food." When he stops, he only sees one side before he tilts his head in a laugh.
"You wouldn't mind if I had a taste, now would you?" Douma finally reacted, his heart seizing as blood began to pour from his mouth.
He can taste the iron on his own.
A smack to his ear makes him finally awaken.
His heart cries along with his eyes when his claws retract from his love's ribs. He falls back, blood staining his lips as Inosuke lies crying on the ground next to them.
"no." It was a whisper. But her fist falls from where it had hit him. He wants to scramble and he does when she coughs from her own lips, crimson spilling even more on her already stained front.
"KOTOHA!" His teeth had entered her throat, delicious but not worth this. Her life was slipping away.
"Kotoha, please!" She smiles up at him, taking hold of his cheek and wiping his tears. She gestures to Inosuke.
"Please, take care of him-"
"Kotoha! You can't ask this of me!" His love touches his crown.
"Douma, please." It was so warm. The pain is agonizing as it fills him.
He hates emotions.
He takes her hand, kissing it and pressing it to his crown.
"No, I refuse." His crown lights up as he can only think of one thing. "You can live while I suffer."
Buddha smiles as he allows what comes.—
Golden light blinds them briefly, Inosuke's cries turning to whimpers as Hakuji finally makes it to them, holding his side.
Hakuji watches as Douma slumps to the side, his body littered with wounds.His eyes dull when Kotoha pulls him to her, her cries coming forth when his blood stains her clothes.
False Prophet
FanfictionAs Douma Uppermoon Two, he was quite the gorger. It was this gluttonous behavior that had him running into someone special. Someone far more powerful than his lord. He met Buddha. --< A character-story in which Buddha sets Douma to learn how to be h...