Epilogue: The End of the Beginning

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!!TW/CW: Swearing, Death!!

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Xornoth could feel the plaster of Exor's false costume melting from their skin as they rushed towards Scott.

"No! No, no, no, no! Fuck!"

Exor screeched in their mind, desperate for a grasp on his quickly fading life.

The red in the field around them faded as their legs gave out and they dropped to their knees. They hunched over in the grass heaving and gagging.

It seemed a while before they could regain control over their body.

Once they did, they scrambled towards Scott's body.

"Scott?" They cried. They gingerly lifted his body into their lap. "Scott? Brother?" Their tears dripped from their face to Scott's and rolled down his cheek. They brushed a strand of beautiful cyan hair from Scott's closed eyes.

They lost their voice as they begged. "Please, please, please don't die! I- I love you so much! Scott!"

A puff of frozen breath danced from Scott's lips.


Another weak breath.

"Oh, shit. Oh, hell. Scott!" They forced themselves to their feet, hauling Scott in their arms. They had to find help. Scott couldn't die. He had a kingdom to run. "Hang in there Scott!"

It had been years since Xornoth had used their wings. Exor had quickly gotten them used to teleporting.

Still, they had to try. Sooner than they expected, they'd managed to launch themselves into the air.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Okay. Which direction?"

Surely they hadn't gone far from Rivendell.

Something in them led them towards the horizon. They paid no attention to what they flew over. Instead, they murmured hopelessly into Scott's icy skin, praying that he would live.

Not soon enough, Scott's house came into view.

Ignoring every custom and rule that had been engraved into their brain as an elfling, they barreled through the front door, surprising the people at the table.

Before they blacked out, they saw Scott's people rushing towards them.

"If..." they managed, "If you can only save one of us, please save him."

Life drained from them just as it had faded from Scott just two minutes prior, unbeknownst to Xornoth while they were flying.

. . .

350 Words

Short and... sweet?

The End!!

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