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Fame is a delicate flower,

Dies just like a crumbling tower,

I'm glad that's the one you didn't get,

When for the first time we met,

Looking for the 'one' under a tree,

We bonded like intricate filigree,

The fragrance of your first corsage,

Lingers on my favorite book's page,

Time flies by but your image stays,

With wind and change it never sways.

Now look at me standing above you,

Over time you don't know if I stayed true,

On the pedestal I see you below,

No sign of haste your smile still gentle and slow,

Always have been slave to your magic,

Our best moments shared over a picnic,

While we danced you held me closer,

I didn't mind though it creased my new sweater,

You always said makeup was fake and petty,

Never called my eyes behind colored contacts pretty,

Even if I walk down the red carpet,

Still want to go for a walk with you on a lonely pavement.

At the precipice of being famous,

I didn't allure you as glamorous,

You just wanted to hold my hand,

Not to take money but a platinum band,

You tell me I'm beautiful when I'm not,

I'm going up farther and I can't stop,

Just want to rewind my life's clock,

I see our dates beyond cocktail bars,

Away from stretch limos and shiny cars,

I see you in your t shirt,

Beyond my glitzy long skirt,

Ditching my gown for an overall,

Afterall it's not Cinderella's ball,

Now that from a push it's come to a shove,

I'm coming back cuz you're my first love.

                                                                                                            Avisya Samal

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