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Chapter 13

"It's really cold," Grace grumbled as they walked along, Namjoon holding tightly to one hand, hot drink in the other.

"It's not too bad today," he said, looking at the sky. There wasn't much of a breeze but when he looked at her, he saw she was pointing to her head, beanie pulled down to cover her ears. "Oh. Yeah, sorry."

They weren't joking when they said she'd get cold without hair and even though they'd looked online, she hadn't found a wig that she liked enough to order. Her parents had said they'd pay for whatever one she wanted, trying a few on in a shop the hospital had recommended but there was something she didn't like about the idea, almost like she was pretending to be someone she wasn't by putting it on.

"It's OK," she answered. In the few weeks since the hair had come off, she had grown more used to it, not loving the downy fluff that was all she currently had growing but she now owned a bunch of cute hats that she swapped out and was making the most of it.

"Have they stopped bothering you at work," he asked as they strolled, slowly watching as the people buzzing around them going about their day while the couple walked.

"Yeah, I eventually had to ask them not to ask every few hours how I was. The amount of times Jungkook came up to ask if I wanted a hot drink or a blanket made me feel more like an invalid than I actually am."

"I think no-one really knows the right thing to do when someone's not well," Joon said, dragging her down to sit on the park bench so he could pull her close and warm her up a little as they sipped their drinks. "I know I was at a loss. Sometimes I still am."

"Yeah, I know he just has the best intentions, he's sweet really." She rolled her eyes at Namjoon's raised eyebrows. He'd never struck her as the jealous type but he's admitted it used to really bother him when the girls were joking about how good looking Jungkook was. Finding out he was very much loved up made him feel a little better and knowing her work colleagues were looking out for her helped too. "He's stopped now though."

"Yes, I can imagine you in full growl was intimidating," Namjoon laughed, so incredibly smitten with his girlfriend but knowing he'd been on the end of her wrath a time or two himself in the past.

"He might have whimpered a little when I really got going," she answered, remembering how he had looked a little traumatised when she'd finally lost it with him and snapped. But she'd apologised afterwards and he'd been fine, she knew they were all just making sure she was alright and no-one stared at her hats anymore.

"You might've been known to whimper when we really get going too," he said casually, looking down at his drink as he smirked and she smacked him on the arm.

"Joonie," she laughed as they smiled at each other. The intimacy had been instant and easy and better than either could've thought. Exploring your best friends body wasn't something most people got to do but in lots of ways it made it easier, the trust already there.

"So how many more sessions until the chemo is over?"

"Just two more and then I have recovery and more testing. Am definitely looking forward to those weeks to be done. Feeling like vomiting has never been my favourite thing and months of it has been exhausting."

"I want to take you out on a date once that's all over," he said as Grace turned to him.

"You've taken me on lots of dates already."

"Not really," he answered. "Yeah, we've gone out lots but they've all been low key since you've been unwell or they're connected with your treatment and those don't count."

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