Twenty-Eight: Through Sickness and Health

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Very unserious of me considering I'm already doing daily updates, but I've decided to do a double update today. Be sure to read Chapter Twenty-Seven before coming here! This chapter and the one previous just kinda go hand-in-hand with each other, so figured it would make sense to post together.


Her Mom used to sing her an Arabic lullaby as a baby.

Tatum didn't know what most of it meant, if she was being honest.

But her Mom always glowed when she sang it.

Tatum eventually learned it herself, finding comfort in the melody. It reminded her of simpler times. When it was just Tatum and her Mom without a worry in the world. When life didn't seem intent on separating them. When they could just exist in their own world together. The rest of the world be damned.

She just wished she could go back to then. She couldn't help but wonder if they would ever have times like those again.

Tatum sat on the harsh chair in the waiting room, eyes locked on the doors. The surgery really only just started. She knew that she shouldn't be hearing from anyone any time soon. But that was part of Tatum's worry. If one of the doctors who came out with their scrub cap in their hands was bringing bad news. And if they were, if it was for her.

But she couldn't think about that.

Because her Mom was going to be okay.

She had to be.

Tatum hummed the melody of the lullaby to herself, trying to find some sort of comfort. She had texted Kinsley just to let her know what was going on. She was supposed to get dinner with her but had to cancel. She didn't want her friend to think that Tatum had just ditched her. Kinsley hadn't answered her text yet. The two had been on slightly strange terms ever since everything happened. Things were stiff, if she was being honest. But that was to be expected. Tatum didn't expect things to go back to normal right away.

But then someone sat down next to her and Tatum glanced up.

It was Kinsley.

"Need some company?" Kinsley asked with a sympathetic look on her face.

Tatum gave her a shaky smile, finding herself extremely grateful that someone else was there with her. She nodded, swallowing thickly. Her voice was quiet as she croaked out, "Thank you."

"What's going on?" Kinsley questioned in a gentle voice.

She let out a deep breath, running her hands over her pants. "Uh, well, my Mom needed a heart transplant. No one at my hospital was willing to do it. I made some arrangements and they agreed to do it here."

"So, she's getting the transplant?" her friend asked hopefully.

"Yeah, she's in right now," Tatum confirmed, feeling a sense of relief flood over her from even saying the words.

"That's good," Kinsley gushed in a positive voice, turning towards her in her chair. Tatum did her best to nod, getting choked up again. "That's good, Tatum. She's getting the transplant and she's gonna be okay."

"Mhm," Tatum squeaked out, her eyes shutting worriedly.

"Tatum." She opened her eyes and looked up.

It was Brady. He stood there, slightly out of breath like he ran here. He waltzed toward her, eyes darting to Kinsley momentarily. Tatum stood up, taking a couple of steps forward to meet him halfway. She glanced back at her friend unsurely before turning her focus back onto Brady. She wrapped her arms around herself, asking, "What are you doing here?"

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