To my Ex

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I wasn't sure what to expect in the morning, but waking up to yelling was not it. The room was bathed in a warm glow from the large windows, and I felt like I was sleeping on the softest clouds possible, but all I could focus on was the screeching in the other room.

"I leave you alone for TWO MONTHS, and you go get yourself married! You really don't think you're fucking mental?" A sharp woman's voice yelled. I got up quietly and went to my door, which was cracked open, to see what the commotion was about. A tall woman with short, straight-cut blond hair was pacing back and forth in front of James, who was shirtless now and pouring himself orange juice unbothered.

"You probably should've kept your legs closed, Amanda, if you cared about what I do so much." He said evenly with an uncaring shrug.

"It's mental. People who are not mentally ill don't get married to someone they don't know in a foreign country under a veil of secrecy." She continued as she paced. She wore a sleek black dress and tall heels as if she were going to a party, but it was sure early morning.

"Now you're tied to that gold digger, and when you divorce her, she gets fifty percent of everything you own. You need to get this annulled and say you were not mentally fit when you signed the papers." She yelled, pointing in my direction as I walked out slowly into the chaos. James positively lit up, seeing me, and smiled, taking my hand when I neared and pulling me up to him.

"Good morning, princess." He said, kissing me lightly. The fact that he was shirtless made me blush and become shy, so I looked down, embarrassed.

"How old is she?" The woman said, continuing her rant as if I wasn't there.

"Twenty-three." He said surely. Pouring me a glass of orange juice.

"Nonsense. She's not a day over 18." Amanda said, looking me up and down scathingly. I was over 18, but I wasn't about to tell her that.

"Who are you again?" I asked coldly, collecting the dishes from breakfast while drinking juice as neither had seemed to think to wake me up to eat, let alone save me anything. I had planned to cook James something delicious like menemen, but they had eaten together instead.

"I'm his wife." My eyes shot up from the dishes I was cleaning, and I almost dropped the porcelain dish in shock.

"Ex-wife." James corrected her harshly, leaning against the counter and watching me clean almost confusedly.

"FOR TWO MONTHS." She screamed at him, leaning over for effect. He just shrugged and drank his juice.

"I see. Well, I have to ask you to stop shouting in my house." I asked her, irritated by her lack of control and their eating without me. Her jaw dropped, and she looked to James for help.

"Are you really going to let this whore talk to me this way?" She snarled like a vicious viper whose nest had been stepped on. I expected James to smack me for offending his guest, but he laughed ironically.

"She's my wife. She hasn't cheated on me with the VP of finance. She can make whatever rules she wants." He said, defending me with a smirk. The tension between the two of them was tangible, and I got the feeling they still had feelings for each other, making me the awkward person in the middle.

"Who's the vipppe?" I asked curiously.

"It's the VP, And he's the very hot and ATTENTIVE guy I'm with now who actually remembers I exist." She spat at him, whipping her short blond hair angrily as if it was long, so it just looked dumb instead of sexy like it should.

"I see. Well, why don't you go to him then? I will take care of James." I told her. I was pretty uncomfortable with their angry flirting and over it. I grabbed a towel to dry my hands with, and the elevator dinged, letting in another beautiful, stunning woman wearing clothes that were more expensive than my family's apartment price.

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