Chapter Six

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The first candle had lit up, a smile spreading across Colby's face, desperately wanting to ask a bunch of questions, wanting Sam to rush down and get the interaction on camera, but something told Colby he would have to be patient with this ghost, and that she was shy, not wanting to be bothered. 

"You like gifts, hm?" Colby laughed softly. "What else can I get for you, huh? Would you like me to wipe the dust off, it's quite dirty in here." He chuckled as the light instantly flicked off. "I didn't mean dirty, don't be upset." He pleaded, the desperation thick in his voice. "I love the apartment, but I could get rid of the dust? Make it seemingly brand new?" The light went back on as Colby sighed. 

"Every room, or just the bedroom." He waited a few seconds before a second candle lit on the other side of the room. Colby decided to get to work, wiping the counters down and the edge of the couch. He got to the china, a loud knock thudding above his head. "I'll be careful, not like Sam. Alright?" He carefully opened the cabinet, expecting it to slam shut. When it didn't he instantly got to work, wiping each plate clean and placing it back in the exact spot it was in. He wiped down the edge of the bed, running his cold rings against the wood. 

"See, isn't this much better?" Colby asked, the candle taking particularly long before lighting, Colby laughing softly. "Would you like me to spray some perfume, so it doesn't smell like lysol?" A second flame lit, along with a third one. Colby could tell this ghost was eager for the smell of daisies, as Colby walked across the apartment, giving each room a couple sprays, the apartment quickly filling with the scent of flowers. He could tell this ghost was happy, seemingly sick of the overwhelming smell of mold and darkness. 

"Now that I've done all this, is it possible for me to get some information about you?" Colby treaded carefully. "I want to know more about you." The flames disappeared instantly as Colby pouted. "Please, I just want to know who you are." He sighed in defeat as one flame returned on, the smile returning to his face. 

"How about, one candle for 'no,' two candles for 'yes?'" Instantly two candles lit up, Colby chuckling to himself. "You're funny, anyone ever tell you that." The candle went back down to only one lit up, before quickly returning to two as he chuckled. "Alright, are you the girl in the photo, the one wearing the large sweater?" Colby asked as the two candles remained burning bright. "Alright, are you angry that you're still here?" The flame dropped back down to one candle. "You like living here? So you're happy?" The candle went back up to two, but then back to one. "I'm confused, so you enjoy living here, but you're not happy here?" The two candles burned bright. "Alright, do you have friends here?" The candles remained at two. "Do you like when people visit you?" The candle went down to one, then back up to two. "So, some people. What about me?" All of the candles lit up, Colby's cheeks growing red as he smiled. 

"I-" Colby heard a voice calling him from the other room, all of the candles instantly turning off as Sam entered the apartment. 

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