Episode 1| The Rise of the Six

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At Davenport Tower, in Centium City.

Mr Davenport, Bree, Chase and Harper exit the elevator "What is with all the secrecy, Mr. Davenport? Where are we?" Bree ask.

"You are on the 110th floor of Davenport Tower, the most technologically advanced skyscraper in the world" Mr Davenport.

"Oh you're finally showing us a tower the size of your ego!?" Harper says
sarcastically, Chase laughs "don't be silly sweetheart, it's not humanly possible to create something that big" Chase says, Harper nods.

"funny, but what I want to show you is..." Mr Davenport says he puts keycard in and door opens "your new home" Mr Davenport says, the three enter.

"Woah! Check out that view!" Chase says He walks over to the window "You can see the whole city from here!" Harper says looking out the window too.

"Seriously this place is amazing" Bree says "Not bad, huh? This penthouse is where I spent my years as a bachelor.
Boy, if these walls could talk. Actually they can talk" Mr Davenport says he Runs over to the tablet "Walls off! Walls off!" Mr Davenport says.

"You know what? Let's go out onto the terrace. I wanna show you something" Mr Davenport says he Walks out onto balcony.

Chase, Harper and Bree follow Mr Davenport onto balcony and see Elite Force emblem.

"Uh! What is this?" Harper ask "This holographic emblem represents your new team, or as I like to call it, an elite force" Mr Davenport says.

"Elite force? Oh that's pretty cool... it's an evolution compared to what we called it before" Harper says.

"So, when do we get to meet the others?" Chase says "Right now" Mr Davenport says he swipes emblem and reveal three people, Kaz, Skylar and Oliver.

"I used a 3-D hologram wall. Kaz, Skylar and Oliver have been standing there the entire time" Mr Davenport says "Five hours to be exact' Oliver says

'Let's not forget the two hours we spent rehearsing how to stand" Skylar says "Obviously we need three hours, because you're still not doing it right" Mr Davenport says adjusting Skylar's posture.

"Oh! Them! Cool!" Harper says forcing a smile "It's great to see you guys!...What are they doing here?" Chase says to Mr Davenport.

"Mighty Med hospital was destroyed" Skylar says "What?" Bree says "This's all that's left of it" Kaz says He Shows picture of destroyed hospital.

"Who would do something like that?"
Bree says "We don't know. We lost a lot of super heroes that we cared about and we won't rest until we find out who's responsible" Kaz says.

"They wanted to use my technology to track the criminals, but I had a better idea, to create an all-powerful team combining bionic heroes and superheroes" Mr Davenport says.

"Well, where are the superheroes?" Bree ask "You're looking at them" Oliver says, Harper laughs "Oh I like this guy he's funny" Harper says.

"Oh, yeah It's true. Oliver and I have superpowers now" Kaz says "Yeah, superpowers. what do you have,
huh!?" Oliver says.

"I'm bionic now" Harper says "oh! I didn't know that" Oliver says "bionic? But weren't you like against bionics!?" Kaz says, Harper turns to Bree and Chase "Why does everyone have to throw this in my face!?" Harper says.

"What happened? You fall into a vat of radioactive waste? Wait, no, don't tell me... bitten by a supernatural spider" Chase says he pretends to shoot webs to make fun of them

"Don't be ridiculous. While we were trying to stop my mother, also known as the evil villain, Mr Terror, from becoming the most powerful being on the planet, we made indirect contact with the Arcturion Space Rock which gave us a variety of superhuman abilities" Oliver says "Oh actually this is pretty cool" Harper smiles.

Elite Force -The Untold Story (Season 1)/Chase Davenport x OC Where stories live. Discover now