Chapter 1 the menace

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The dark cloak of night humbly envelops the modest dwelling where Jaxon, still an innocent baby, sleeps. Suddenly, shadows stealthily emerge from the darkness, clad in dark military uniforms, and their sinister silhouettes charge with a chilling menace. The walls, silent witnesses, are stained with the blood of his father, bearing witness to an unimaginable horror unfolding before the powerless gaze of jaxon. Death bursts in with brutality, a bullet to the head, splattering the walls with gruesome shards.

Yet, a strange fortune shields Jaxon, confined to his crib. His mother, unaware of the unfolding tragedy at home, wanders the aisles of a supermarket. The shadows, clad in black and conscious of their dwindling time, they set fire to the house, seeking to eradicate the last hope. then flee as fast as they came in. Flames dance in the night, but as the house collapses into ruins, firefighters, sent by fate, hear an improbable cry amidst the debris. Jaxon, miraculously unharmed, cries out in the darkness

Behind the veiled curtain of surrounding trees, a man with eyes full of hatred lurks. The ink-black tapestry of the night and shrouding clouds conceals him, yet his unwavering conviction echoes in a haunting murmur, "He is not dead," a voice carrying an unsettling truth through the ominous air.

Amidst the chaos, Jaxon's mother arrived at the house. a young woman adorned with beauty that seemed to diminish in the face of tragedy rushes in panic. The once vibrant hues of her blonde locks are now dulled by distress. The desolate spectacle of her shattered home freezes her in a tableau of abject horror.

Yet, as the ambulance wails its mournful siren, carrying Jaxon's fragile form toward the sterile halls of the hospital, a bittersweet undercurrent of hope begins to weave its tendrils through the somber scene. The remnants of a life left in ruins hang heavy in the air, and in the silence, a subtle melancholy lingers-an ache that transcends the physical wreckage.

A darkened chapter closes with the ambulance's fading echoes, leaving behind a poignant sense of loss and the haunting promise of an enigmatic tapestry that veils Jaxon's life in shadows.

At the outskirts of the city, where looming mountains cradle the horizon, an isolated cavern becomes the clandestine refuge for Dramarcus, a vampire ancient of 400 years. In eerie stillness, he awaits with a palpable sense of anticipation. The cavern's darkness is disrupted by deliberate, ominous footfalls. "Julius, is that you?" inquires Dramarcus, emerging from the shadows. A colossal figure, muscles etched like dark poetry, steps into view. His voice, a sinister blend of rasp and seduction, resounds through the cavern's depths, "Have you found the child?" The air thickens with an unspoken malevolence, and a chilling undercurrent permeates the clandestine meeting in this desolate den of shadows.

"Dramarcus" recoils, a primal fear flickering in his eyes, "Yes, we found him, but he went to the hospital with his mother. One of the paramedics was the protector. I couldn't do anything!" he explains. Julius, consumed by frustration, narrows his eyes and, with a sinister swiftness, hurls Dramarcus against the unforgiving mountain wall. The impact reverberates through the cavern, leaving Dramarcus momentarily stunned.

As Dramarcus struggles to rise, a shadow falls over him, cast by the brooding figure of julius. With a sudden, brutal motion, julius's clenched fist strikes Dramarcus again, imprinting a chilling echo in the desolate cavern. Dramarcus, battered and disoriented, attempts to pacify the enraged Julius. "Now that we know where he is," dramarcus hisses, his voice laden with menace, "we can track him and strike when the shadows favor our cause."

In a veil of oppressive silence, Julius retreats into the cavern's depths, leaving Dramarcus to recuperate. Abruptly, Dramarcus ascends into the air, disappearing into the inky blackness of the sky. A guttural howl, born from the depths of the cavern, sends shivers through the very soul of nature, paying macabre homage to the enigmatic giant concealed within the mountains.

Eve, a young mother weathered by recent storms, sits by the hospital bed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. The ache of losing her husband and the ominous threat to her precious baby weigh heavily on her fragile shoulders. As the doctor carefully tends to Jaxon, examining for any traces of harm from the engulfing flames, a sense of strangeness permeates the room. How could he emerge unscathed? The air is thick with a poignant blend of grief and bewilderment, painting a somber canvas of emotions that swirls around Eve, deminish to the bedside, grappling with the inexplicable fortune that spared her baby.

Outside the room, the vigilant paramedic, a commanding presence at 6'4 with an impressive physique, maintains a watchful stance, scanning the surroundings like a silent guardian. A calm voice breaks the stillness. "Patrick, is the child doing well?" To Patrick's right, a sturdy figure appears unexpectedly. Patrick startles. "Marc, ease up on the disappearing act. There is no need to go invisible every time." Marc smiles, a subtle acknowledgment of his ability to catch Patrick off guard, the seriousness of the situation momentarily lightened by a touch of camaraderie.

The paramedic responds reassuringly, "The child and the mother are doing well." Marc then gave serious instructions, his tone carrying a weight of gravity, "Don't leave their side for a second. When they're ready to leave the hospital, follow them discreetly. When the time is right, we'll talk to them. Dramarcus and Marcus know where they are now too, so stay on your guard." Patrick nods in acknowledgment. As swiftly as Marc appeared, he disappears, leaving Patrick immersed in his vigilant watch.

Patrick possesses a unique gift: the ability to sense the presence of danger. This sixth sense has led him to crime scenes from the outset,giving him a crucial role. His strength, equivalent to that of ten men, makes him the ideal protector for those in need. In the face of adversity, Patrick stands as a guardian, guided not only by his skills but by an intuition that weaves a protective mantle around those he watches over.

His commitment to safeguarding the innocent shines through in his work as a paramedic. However, the mission entrusted to him extends beyond the usual medical emergencies. Jaxon and his mother, Eve, embody a crucial link for the survival of humanity, and Patrick is prepared to risk his own life to protect them. In the face of supernatural threats and a destiny intertwined with forces beyond comprehension, Patrick stands as a resolute guardian, ready to navigate the shadows and confront the unknown to ensure the safety of those he is sworn to protect.

Eve and Jaxon have finally been discharged from the hospital. With few family members to turn to, Eve calls her best friend, who arrives really fast. As they settle Jaxon in the back of the car, Eve collapses in tears once inside. Her friend envelops her in her arms, reassuring her that she's there for her during this challenging time. In the confined space of the car, emotions flow freely, creating a sanctuary of solace amidst the uncertainty that lies ahead.

Not far away, Patrick discreetly shadows, fully aware of the significance of watching over Jaxon and Eve. In the shadowy embrace of the night, destinies intertwine, and the future of these vulnerable beings now appears woven with mysterious and potentially perilous threads. As the journey unfolds, a sense of foreboding lingers in the air, hinting at the challenges and dangers that may lie ahead for Jaxon, Eve, and their silent guardian in the darkness.

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