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I ran wild, naked. My whipped body, a pile of brittle flesh.
My body falls over the grass. I searched for a clean cloth, something fresh.

Earthworm crawled near my mouth.
I shivered violently in the drouth.

My childhood flashed, they all lined up smothering me with a pseudo bliss.
Then it went black, thrusting me into this nothingness of a fearful symmetry.
My wife hold me, her dead lips carved a kiss.

I went running, limping, more towards the south.
Where lay hope to live, in a scouth.

Save me! cried the torn me, running over grass of blades.
Who harmed you, asks a peasant.
Dreams, hopes, guilt are their names! I wail.
An anaemic sun fades.

I fall on the grass, lilac flowers crush on my naked chest.
My eyes see nothing, nothing tastes my mouth.
A serpent crawls and bites me, roars a belligerent group of crowd.
I close my eyes from years of drudgery, as this is a far, far better rest.

Feat First love by Jurrivh

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