Part 6 - More Ending

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Though I was already in the hospital's cafeteria, I decided not to go up and visit Rebecca. On one hand, Shawn and Liam wouldn't like the idea of me visiting her so often, on the other hand, if what they said was true, she's in a sad mood and I shouldn't impose a visit.

As someone who has been dealing with depression for a long time, I know the last thing you want when you are upset is someone shows up unexpectedly and tries to cheer you up.


After work and dine, it's time for another try for the ending. This time, hopefully a delightful one which makes everyone happy.

Just after 2 paragraphs I encounter a serious case of writer's block again.

I very much want to write something, but my head is already empty and nothing comes out.

Compares to the night before, it is really day and night. Last night there was just so much emotion, so many vivid scenes flooded in my poor brain, which drove me to an euphoric high. Becca was practically alive and talked directly to me. I was only the messenger.

But now, I feel like all my memories just got stolen, like a man with a serious case of amnesia, who doesn't even know what he is doing. Let alone writing a coherent sentence.

Please, come up with something. I am begging you, whoever the deity that controls creativity. I need something to make Rebecca's father happy.

Well, nothing actually comes out. Instead of the exploding geyser like last night, a black hole is surrounding me. Endless void is all I have.

Why is it so hard to write a happy ending? This is very unexpected. At the same time I start to appreciate those Hollywood writers more. They write happy endings for a living! Must be a very difficult job. They deserve every penny of a raised salary.

I browse the WritersHaven forum a bit, and am surprised to see Rebecca posts a message saying this Saturday is her birthday. A lot of greetings there ensue. Well, it seems she's not only a popular darling in the hospital, but also here in the forum.

What a coincidence! Her birthday is only one day away from the big S. How old is she? 19? 20? Ahhh... That's none of my business. Just give her some birthday greetings, like any normal human being.

Strangely, even as a writer who wrote tons, I don't know what to say about her birthday. Given that everything can be said already posted by someone else. I decide not to add any redundancy to the long thread.

Then an idea is formed. Maybe I can invite those online writers to the hospital on her birthday? Of course not in the way Liam did to me, but in a much more polite manner ?

The birthday thread is exploding to over 200 posts long. I start to collect names in a list.

The best way to fight a writer's block? Take your mind off and do something else, like I am doing now. The inspiration will come back sooner or later. I sincerely hope it will be sooner.


The next day I got a message from Rebecca.



Hey, my dear author Philip. You already finished

the last chapter 2 days ago, why haven't you

put a title on it ? Are you not satisfied with it, or

do you need some help ? If you like, I can do

some editing for you.

My Dear Reader RebeccaWhere stories live. Discover now