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A/N : ( Content Warning for some Gore in this chapter! Nothing too crazy, but worth a mention. )


It took Sakura the rest of the week to get the "Demonic illusion: False Surroundings Technique" to work properly, and when she did Ibiki has given her a smile so unlike his others.

Instead of the usual smirk, or the creepy grin, this one felt proud. Sakura's heart filled with warmth as she took it in.

"Good job," Ibiki said, gazing at the desk full of paperwork that Sakura had cast over his usually try work surface, "you learnt faster than most people would."

Sakura grinned at that. She felt rather slow whilst doing it, so hearing that made her feel much better about it.

"How is your training with Kotetsu and Izumo going?" He asked next, causing Sakura to pause. It sure was a thing, something Sakura had only just started to feel the benefits of.

"Good, I think." She replied, "they're focusing on my Taijutsu and conditioning for now, I think it's starting to help a little."

"That's good," Ibiki nodded, "it's important you remember that the basics are just as important as potent techniques."

Sakura nodded back, her smile still in place, "yes, Ibiki-sensei!"

The man simply chuckled at the honorific before dispelling Sakura's Genjutsu and picking up one of the real pieces of paperwork off his desk.

"Here," he said, handing it to her, "I know you had your doubts about the Chunin exams whilst on Team Seven, but you can still choose to take part. We've set up a pair of the genin corps members who help out around here to be your team."

Sakura looked down and saw she was holding the application form for the chunin exams. It felt heavy in her hands, almost as if her doubt manifested itself physically.

She squashed the feelings down though, knowing she'd already improved massively since leaving Kakashi's team. Plus, she's bound to work better with these two genin than with Naruto and Sasuke.

"Alright," Sakura agrees, signing her name on the paper with a pen stolen from Ibiki's desk. "Who will my teammates be?"

"Their names are Shimizu Masato and Funai Nanako," Ibiki said, "they're competent, and have been training with other members of our division for about a year now."

Sakura gulped slightly at that, realising her teammates would be significantly more experienced than her.

"Don't be so nervous," Ibiki waved his hand as if to dismiss her anxieties, "I know for a fact neither of them could have stayed standing under Anko's killing intent like you have, and you're working hard too."

Sakura calmed slightly at that, but she was clearly still anxious about the upcoming exams.

"You have another week to train before the exams begin, regardless," Ibiki continued, "Izumo, Kotetsu and I will be sure to get you as ready as you can be for them."

Ibiki smirked at that, as if he was just told an inside joke only he understood.

"Now, let's talk about a form of trick that isn't just Genjutsu," his smirk turned wide, and a trademark creepy Ibiki grin stretched across his face, "about looking for clues hidden beneath the underneath."


"You ready, noodle?" Kotetsu asked as he and his partner arrived on the training ground, to which Sakura agreed with a shake of her head. She was getting better, alright!?

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