Part 12 : Conditions

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tae - come y/n ie lets go

mr kim - no taehyung you and your brother along your sister will go with mr roger y/n will go by her own


y/m- honey but why , she can go with her brothers only why need for extra car

jin- yes dad

y/m- she will go with her brother to our house

mr kim : hone-

"Not ours it's yours mrs kim " y/n replied with full confidence stepping forward from taehyung's friendly grip

y/m- W-what are you-u saying y/n *hesitating tone*

"i agreed for this marriage mrs kim but not to involve myself in family melo drama . Didn't you husband tell you about my conditions "

jin- conditions?

all the kim family looked at y/n confused

y/n give a light laugh

"oh how could he must be busy in the wedding , so let me tell u mrs kim i agreed to this marriage but not moving with you , i and mr kim agreed to this marriage on the my terms "

y/n turned around and looked at mr kim before giving him a short bow

"thankyou for bringing my car here mr kim , hope you have a lovely marriage "

y/n looked at  jimin and taehyung

"i will text you when i reach back"

driver- mam your things are ready

y/n left the venue leaving all the members present there silent 

yunji- what conditions was she talking about dad ?

y/m- yes honey , how could u even agree to her ridiculous terms 



"what do u want to talk about "

"mr kim let me make it clear to u about the wedding-" take a deep breath

"i agree to the MARRIGE "

"i don't want u to take a quick decision y/n if u want we can wait until u feel happy with my family i can make ji-eun wait for sometime-"

"no i am totally fine with this marrige "

" why not we continue our talks with some brunch" before mr kim could hug y/n and express her feeling

"but i have some DEMANDS"

."demands? what kind of demands ?"

"not demands but some terms "

"i am listening , continue"

"1st - i will like to continue with my surnames as lee  only i don't want to change it in kim "

mr kim - hmm , okay i would have never forced u to do it even if u did not kept that conditon 

"2nd - i want u to give my car back "

me kim - i will , its gone for repair 

mafia 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖕𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now