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|| Author's P. O. V ||

"Divorce?!" Hoseok's voice echoed through the phone in the empty office room. Yoongi sighed, "hmm.." "...shit .." "yeah that's the perfect word to describe my life Hobi"

Currently Yoongi was in his office in his mansion. It's been so many weeks and finally Hoseok has some free time. So the bestfriends were talking on phone. And Yoongi informed him all that had happened in these past weeks. Hoseok sighed, "seriously?! I got busy with work for some weeks and so much happened?..." There was a pin drop silence then Hoseok again spoke, "How's Jimin? Does he--" "yeah..he knows everything. And .. Well thanks to him I'm able to work. Otherwise I was going crazy. And you were not there too at that time" "Hmm. He's ok right?" "...." "Yoongs?" "...Ah..he ..~sighs~ I don't think so.." "Huh? What do you mean? What --" "we went for his check up.." "oh ok and then?" "And ...I talked with Dr Ahn. And she said that though there's no harm to the baby , everything is normal but Jimin...she said he must have been stressing himself. I couldn't notice anything but she's a doctor. Jimin can hide from me but not from her". "I see.." "Hm..and I remember he also said that time that watching me stressing and worrying so much he was having problems with the baby too..so ...I guess..~ sighs ~ it's all my fault.." "Hey! Don't say that!.. you're doing your best too. Your personal problems are also difficult to deal with you can't help but stress right? And am sure Jimin also understands that. He'd never blame you so stop blaming yourself" "But still .. because of me--" "Yoongi...hahhh..you know maybe he stressed himself at first but now you two are ok right?..so spend some time with him, talk to him... It'll be fine then". "Hmm...but I do spend time with him. Like ..am literally 24/7 at home" "Tch you silly. Not that. Spend time doing things with him" " ...what do you exactly mean by 'doing things' Hobi?" "Like watch movies, spend some time in that huge garden of yours.. seriously why's there a fucking huge garden? Have you ever went there even for once?!" Yoongi rolled his eyes " or talk to him. Long conversation ok? by 'doing things' I mean these" "Oh .. I see.." "I know you were thinking something else Yoongs" Yoongi blushed. Thank God they are talking on phone. "W-what do you mean? I was not thinking anything?" "Yeah right. I know you Yoongs. I know you better than anyone else. Tell me truly you like Jimin right?" "Hobi--" "No! No seriously! Don't you dare try to hide it" "The fuck you're talking?! It's nothing like that!" "So you don't like him?" "I..I like him. Of course Jimin's nice. ..it true he's pretty but ..I ..I..~ sighs ~ I don't know.. am ..c-confused. Stop drop this topic" Hoseok chuckled. "I'll fucking kill you!" Hoseok laughed more loudly. He really enjoys teasing Yoongi. "Ok now...But Yoongi you're really going to divorce her? Seriously?" Hoseok said in a serious tone. "Hm. That's for the best" "Umm...I see ..but then what about the baby?" "I promised Jimin I'll take full responsibility. I'll take care of my child" Yoongi said determination clear in his voice. "But your parents..." Yoongi sighed, "I don't know Hoba. I'll see it later " "yeah ..ok".

~ Time Skip ~

Yoongi cut the call and leaned his head on the chair. It was pin drop silence again. Only his breath and the ticking of the clock could be heard. He looked at the clock. It's past 6 in the morning. Yup he woke up at 4 and started doing his some pending work. But then he couldn't focus so he called Hoseok. At first Hoseok was puzzled to find his bestfriend calling him so early in the morning but then they talked. A LOT. He turned his gaze away from the clock to his laptop screen. There were still some files to check. But he didn't feel like doing it. Jimin must be in deep slumber in his room. Yoongi took a deep breath and got up. He then got out of his office and started walking upstairs. His office was on the same floor to his and Jimin's room. He walked to the 2nd floor. A different part of the mansion where no one comes usually. He crossed three rooms and stood in front of a big wooden door. He slowly opened it and entered. It was a large hall with huge window glasses on one side. From there one can have the full view of the outside. Yoongi walked to the last part of the hall near the window glass. There stood a huge piano. As Hoseok had mentioned Yoongi really does own a huge piano. This piano was gifted by a very special friend. The first and one and only person in the family who actually cares and understands Yoongi. He grazed his fingers on the piano reminiscing old days. It's been so long...how long? It was gifted to him on his thirteenth birthday and now .. he's in his mid twenties. After some years he'll be in his 30s. It's been so so long playing it. He sat on the bench and traced his fingers on the keyboard. What should he play? He closed his eyes and then slowly slowly started pressing one key after another. In some minutes a sweet yet sad melody filled the room. After a while he stopped playing and opened his eyes staring towards the huge window glass. He started recollecting everything that had happened in his life. His childhood. A childhood with no friends, no fun. Only study and tons of different classes. His meeting Hoseok but then again after their separation there was no one. He was all alone. His getting married with Naeun. A marriage that had no meaning. No connection. Still he tried to give it a chance. But at the end it's crumbling. At the end everything is crumbling. Jimin's words echoed in his mind.

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