"W-What ?"
"You perfectly heard me. Who the hell is this Hachim ?" his voice was growing deeper
You felt your heart beating fast on your chest. His gaze was so serious, full of anger. Why were you feeling guilty ? There was no reason to feel that way !
"Ney, I swear this is not what you think"
"Are you sure ? Because the beginning of his message shows the opposite" he looked at the phone and read:"'Baby, here is a gift for you'. Of course, I can't finish reading because of your phone code. Maybe you put it to hide your conversations from me, ah?"
You didn't know how to answer, you were so tired and his reaction didn't help.
"This is getting ridiculous.." you commented
"Who is to blame ? You're cheating and you want me to chill ?!" he screamed
"Please calm down... Let me expl-"
"There's nothing to explain !" he threw your phone on the bed and walked out
You stood there, your hands on your head that felt like a bomb about to explode. The party, loud music, alcohol, no sleep, and now this. You crawled into the bed to stare at the ceiling. You just wanted to shoot yourself. This cunt, Hachim, is able to make problems even at long distance. This is unreal.
Curiously, you took your phone to see what this jackass wanted. And actually, what you found wasn't what you expected. At all.
* * *
You were walking down the stairs to find Neymar in the leaving room, playing Fifa. We all have different ways to blow off steam. That was his. You made your way towards him, placing yourself not far behind the couch he was lain on.
"Well, at least, this 'Hachim' is more honest then you" you declared
He paused the game to sit and give you a cold look: "And you're defending him ?!"
"I don't, but he told me something that will definitely change a lot of things" you pronounced staring at him insistently
He got confused: "Oyeah ? Well tell me"
"Or I should have said, he showed me something" you stretched your hand, showing him the message
His eyes got wide, his mouth opened in shock. He kind of lost his self-confidence in a second. BOOM.
"Y/N... I-" he started nervously
"No, don't bother. I will speak for you" you declared angrily "You saw a message on my phone screen, sent by a guy that I fucking can't stand, you thought I was cheating on you, so you started yelling at me, not even letting me explain that he's just an asshole that tries to flirt with me but I didn't let him because I have you. This same guy, showed me this wonderful pic of YOU cheating on me, kissing this girl that you've probably met in a bar or wherever. And now, I AM the one that is allowed to yell ! I AM the one that is heartbroken ! Not you !" you screamed before leaving the room, holding back your tears.
When you arrived upstairs, everyone was in front of their bedrooms, not really understanding what was going on.
"Are you guys ok ?" Rafaella asked you, troubled
You wanted to answer her, but nothing came out. You just ran to your bedroom, closed the door and jumped on your bed, crying.
He had cheated on you. You never thought he would be able to do this to you. Why would he ? Because he felt lonely ? Come on, you're always skyping and you crossed half of the world for him ! What more could he want ?!
He told you once that he used to date a lot of girls before. Maybe he missed that. Maybe this is just the way he is, not the type of guy to be in a serious relationship. And you can't change that.
You were completely lost right now. What were you supposed to do ? So many questions were coming to your mind.
.A moment later, someone knocked on your door and came in. It was him, probably coming to try changing things.
"Y/N, I'm.... What are you doing ?!" he asked watching you packing your bags
"This was a mistake. I changed my flight, I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon" you answered in a rough voice, not even looking at him
"No, please, Y/N. I'm so sorry ! I can explain everything"
"There's nothing to explain !" you replied, imitating him earlier
He stayed quiet before coming closer.
"Please... Listen to me" he whispered before carefully taking you by your shoulders "Look at me"
You continued packing, ignoring him.
"Y/N" he asked again. You sighted and turned, looking at him madly. He tried to take your hands, but you stepped back "I love you more than anything. This kiss meant absolutely nothing. I was drunk, it was at the inauguration. She was there, flirting ... and..." he explained
"I remember telling you not to get drunk when girls are around.. But of course, you didn't listen..." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm sor-"
"Who's she ?" you questioned
Seeing that he wasn't answering, you looked up at him. He was avoiding eye contact now.
"I said: Who - is - she ?" you questioned again, firmly.
He gazed at you, and then down: "Camila.."
You burst of laughter. His expression showed that it wasn't the reaction he had expected.
"Of course ! How could I have been so stupid ?! Haha"
You shook your head and continued packing - in fact tossing is more appropriate- your clothes in the bag, angrier than ever. You felt so fucking stupid. What about that bitch ? She dared coming a you multiple times with a big smile on her face, after she screwed with him. Who the hell does that ?! That explain his embarrassment when she was around.
"Listen. We're going to act normal in front of the others, ok? I don't want to ruin their holidays with our problems." you pronounced, tried to sound calm
He nodded before asking, hesitant: "W-What about us ?"
You stopped a moment to take a deep breath.
"I don't know. I need time to think, to reflect"
"Y/N, I swear I'm so, so sorr-"
"Stop it ! It's not helping." you exclaimed "I trusted you and you made me feel like an idiot."
This made him stop, perhaps, understand how you feel right now. You closed your bag, put it down and lain on your bed. You really needed some sleep . Obviously, he couldn't go to sleep elsewhere, so he had to sleep here too. He closed the shutters and lain next to you. Back to back.
"I used to think that you would never hurt me... And now this picture will haunt me forever" you mentioned calmly "I hate you for making me fall in love with you" you added before closing your eyes, few tears rolling on your cheeks.

Trip to Barcelona II
FanfictionAfter having flown back to your home city, far from your famous boyfriend, you're living your first University year. You will, during the year, go through a lot of exciting and surprising things. "What is meant to be will be" like we say.. I let...