⭐️Craigs Drama⭐️

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Craig's POV:
It's been 1 week since tweek had moved away and I have a chick with me her name is Annie she's a bit annoying but she's just a side chick I don't really like her I just don't want to be alone that much yknow? But then Mr.Garrison said "EARTH TO CRAIG TUCKER" I looked at Mr Garrison and flipped him off then he sended me to the principal office and I just don't really give a fuck.

-time skip to lunch😋-

Narrator:As the boys aka Clyde,Tolkien,Jimmy are talking and all until Craig and his blonde slutty girlfriend come and it all becomes silent until Clyde talks

Clyde:hey guys I think we should split up.

Tolkien:me too, it's just not the same without tweek

Jimmy *quietly*:w-what a-about w-we m-make a new o-one w-without C-Craig?

Clyde Tolkien gave a thumbs up without Craig noticing

At the Craig's house afterschool the boys meet him.

Craig:oh shit- wait am sorry.

*3 blondes and 1 raven walked out the room and, yes they were chicks*

Clyde:Craig man what the fuck dude.

Craig:am sorry tweek isn't good at jerking it off a lot!

Tolkien:you're such a man whore.

Craig: shut the fuck up Tolkien.

Tolkien:whatever but what did you invite us for?

Craig:I saw tweek in a instagram post

All:holy shit really!

Craig:look *he shows a picture of Derek and Tweek playing pretend couple*

Clyde:wait I know him!


Clyde:he was in football last year!

Craig:bro he's literally a douchbag.

Clyde:he's like the chillest guy in the team!

Craig:sounds like fake to me. *rolls eyes*

Tolkien:he's probably a better boyfriend than you.

Craig:quiet dude.

Tolkien:am just saying facts.

Craig:whatevs by the way I found more people who have posted of him.

Clyde:you're such a stalker.

Craig:can you shut the fuck up for one minute?

Clyde:it's not my fault you're fucking weird Nigga.


Clyde:shit my bad but Craig is weird alright?

Craig:nah you can't be fucking talking when you fucked 7 girls dipshit.

Clyde:I was drunk dude damn, and those girls were all over me they were!

Craig:whatever stupid ass.

Tolkien:stop fucking picking on my dude bitch!

Craig: shut the fuck up Tolkien! This is the exact reason why nichole dumped your ass!

Tolkien:at least I got over it! Unlike your slutty ass wants to be fucked a lot! Damn I even feel bad for tweek dude!

Craig:I never wanted to be fucked!?


Narrator:Craig became silent for a moment and looks away as Tolkien grabs his jacket from the collar.



Tolkien:say it louder!


Tolkien:Okay that's all we fucking needed now we're going back don't ever talk to us we are all over with your dumbass.

Craig:wait guys..! You won't leave me right?

Narrator:they each step one by one leaving first Clyde.

Craig:Clyde we been friends since pre-K why are you gonna leave..?

Clyde:you're a pain now and with an other red flag a man-whore.

Narrator:and there goes Tolkien.

Craig:I know why you're leaving but I apologized!

Tolkien:am not crying at this and am surprised I actually feel relieved and an apology does not work.

Narrator:there goes jimmy.

Jimmy:C-Craig w-what h-ha-happened to-o y-ou? *sob*
Craig:I don't know Jimmy I don't know.

*they leave Craig sad and empty for he can think about what he have done.*

•~Craig's new start and downfall~• (NOT COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now