Chapter 17: Liquid Luck

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Athena and Neville walk down the corridor, laughing and joking.

Ron (o.s): So. Did you two hide the book?
Athena: Yep
Neville: Sure did

Just then, Slughorn rounds the far end of the corridor and –– spying Athena –– does a little Oliver Hardy 'Oops' and retreats.

Ron: Still no luck with Slughorn, I take it?

Athena shakes her head –– then stops cold, stares at the empty space where Slughorn stood moments before. A smirk making its way onto her face.

"Oh not that smirk. That's a James smirk." Monty sighed. "A James smirk?" James tilts his head, confused. "You smirk whenever you're thinking of doing something mischievous." Mia explained. "I do not!" James said in an offend tone. "Yes you do." Pretty much everyone in the hall deadpans. James crosses his arms and pouts.

Athena: Say that again


The tiny vial of Felix Felicis glimmers in Athena's palm as she, Ron and Hermione huddle in the empty dormitory. They exchange glances, then Athena brings the vial to her lips.

"Definitely a James thing to do." "Is it pick on James day today or something?"

Hermione: Well? How do you feel?
Athena: Excellent. Really excellent
Hermione: Now remember. Slughorn usually eats early, takes a short walk and then returns to his office
Athena: Yeah whatever, I'm going down to Hagrids

A few people can't help but chuckle.

Hermione: What? No, Athena –– you've got to go see Slughorn. We have a plan ––
Athena: Fuck the plan! [She smiles] I've got a really good feeling about Hagrid's. I feel like it's the place to be tonight, you know what I mean?

"Nope," everyone shakes their heads. "She's more chaotic on this." Neville laughs, making the future generation nod in agreement.

Hermione/Ron: No
Athena: Trust me. I know what I'm doing. Or at least Felix does

Athena stands and walks to the exit. A few students walk through the portrait.

Athena: Hiya losers!

Everyone laughs.


A boy with a prefects badge patrols the corridor. Bored, he ponders the progress of his faint moustache in a mirror. Athena walks by, unseen.


Filch paces, standing guard with Mrs Norris sits calmly by. A mouse appears in the open helmet of a shit of armour, washes its face with its tiny paws, then spies Mrs Norris –– who hisses. The mouse makes a quick retreat and the face plate comes clanging down. As Filch wheels, Athena strolls past, flipping both Mrs Norris and Filch off.

"Athena!" Lily gasped but tried to hold back a chuckle. Everyone else laughs.


Two Aurors, twin silhouettes, patrol the grounds. Athena approaches, about to intersect their path when, at the last second, something on the ground catches her eye. She kneels, considers a beetle on its back, legs churning helplessly. Athena extends her finger, letting the tiny bug gain purchase, then tips it upright...

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"It's giving, disney princess." Hermione mutters.

...just as the Aurors' shadows quiver over her and vanish. Rising, Athena starts off in one direction, then stops, as if compelled by some inner voice, and heads the opposite way.


Athena hums placidly. Up ahead, a figure ripples beyond the steamy panes of the Greenhouse. It's Slughorn, hunched over a plant whose tendrils coil eerily, resisting his attentions. Snip! He stealthily removed a sprig, looks up and jumps.

Slughorn: Merlin's beard, Athena!
Athena: [Talking quickly with a cheerful grin] Sorry, sir. I should've announced myself. Cleared my throat. Coughed. You probably feared I was Madam Sprout

"She sounds like year seven Lily when answering a question," Alice giggles, Lily goes bright red.

Slughorn: Well, yes, actually –– [Paranoid] Why would you think that?
Athena: Just the general behaviour, sir. The sneaking around. The jumping when you saw me. By the way, those Tentacula leaves –– they're quite valuable, aren't they?
Slughorn: Ten galleons a leaf to the right buyer –– not that I'm familiar with such back alley transactions. One hears rumours is all. My own interests are purely academic, of course
Athena: Personally, these plants have always kind of freaked me out

Athena gives a little shiver of the shoulders, smiles. Slughorn cocks his head, studies her oddly.

Slughorn: Exactly how did you get out of the castle, Athena?
Athena: Through the front doors, sir. I'm off to Hagrid's, you see. He's a very dear friend and I felt like paying him a visit. So if you don't mind, I'll be going
Slughorn: Athena!
Athena: Sir?!
Slughorn: It's nearly nightfall. Surely you realise I can't allow you to roam the grounds all by yourself
Athena: Well, then by all means come along, sir


Athena appears over a rise, strolling happily along...when Slughorn appears, huffing and puffing to keep up.

Slughorn: Athena, I must insist you accompany me back to the castle immediately!
Athena: That would be counterproductive, sir
Slughorn: And what makes you say that?
Athena: No fucking idea [She starts laughing]

"Oh my god!" Barty snorts.

Slughorn frowns impatiently –– then stops, blinks.

Slughorn: Merlin's beard...

Up ahead, Hagrid sits disconsolately upon a stump. Nearby, Aragog's massive body lies legs up.

Ron closes his eyes whilst others cringe and look away from the screen.

Slughorn: Is that an actual Acromantula?
Athena: [Shrugging] A dead one, I think, sir

"Athena!" Sirius laughs.


Athena and Slughorn approach a sullen Hagrid.

Hagrid: 'ena. 'Orace.
Slughorn: My god, dear man. How did you ever manage to kill it?
Hagrid: Kill 'im! Me oldest friend, 'e was!
Slughorn: I'm sorry, I...didn't realise

Slughorn falters helplessly. Hagrid waves his hand.

Hagrid: Ah, don' worry yerself. Yer not alone. Seriously misunderstood creatures –– spiders. It's the eyes, I reckon. Unnerve people
Athena: Not to mention the pincers

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