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❝𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠❞

There is something beautiful about silence

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There is something beautiful about silence. Juliet preferred it, peace, quite, it was pure serenity. Away from the constant chaos where every sound was like a gamma radiation wave. The lake, the trees and the sun, provided solace from the constant noise around her.

Sighing she closed her eyes, her arms resting by her knees, the fingers dipped in the cool water of the lake. She could feel the halo of sunshine slowly disappear from her head, the warmth leaving her as her father retreated behind the clouds.

It was soon to be evening, the warm caress of familial love leaving her as the sun slowly set.

Don't leave.

Juliet wanted to shout it out to the sun, she wanted to hold on to that love, that warmth, the only real one she had ever received, but it would be foolish to expect more.

Whatever, she was being too sentimental. It didn't suit her at all, she wasn't made to cope with such emotions.

"Hiding are you?" The sharp voice made her open her eyes, turning behind to see the leaning figure of Ethan on the tree.

She smiled lightly while waving beside her, an indication for him to sit which he accepted, brushing his pants as he sat beside her facing the sunset just like her.

"I was just tired." Juliet answered his previous question, making him glance at her before turning back to watch the sun.

"Never thought I would hear the word tired from Juliet Alexander's mouth."

"Very funny," Juliet pushed him playfully as a small smile was displayed on both their faces.

"I came here to tell you something important," Ethan proceeded, his eyes not leaving the sun.

"What is it?"

"They dragged in a demigod, few minutes ago. Injured, fainted, probably needed healing."

Juliet turned towards him in aggravation, she couldn't believe he was so casual about someone's injury, "Oh! and so lovely of you to finally tell me after leisurely watching the sunset as if it's not about a kid most probably being on his death bed!"

"You are not the only healer,"

"Yes but, I'm the best," it wasn't bragging, just simply the truth, she had been trained by her father afterall.

"Idiot honestly ," she mumbled as she stood up and rushed towards the medical cabin. The place was slightly crowded with Annabeth, Luke and Chiron already present. Juliet jogged towards them, "Hey, what happened?"

Luke turned towards her, his eyes narrowing in irritation, of course, they never got along anyways, Juliet and Luke were somehow always fighting and couldn't stand to be in each other's presence. It was Annabeth who answered, "Unclaimed demigod, the one Grover was protecting. Apparently they were attacked by a Minotaur when coming here, he's inside."

Juliet just nodded as she rushed in, Chion following behind as he helped her locate the boy. Juliet rushed forward not quite looking at the boy's face as she immediately reached for his pulse.

Her eyes lightly closed as she tried to channel her energy.

"Is he restless?" Chiron voiced out when he saw her furrowed eyebrows.

She shook her head and opened her eyes, "No, everything is fine. No damage, he probably just fainted due to shock. It's weird, I don't think any untrained demigod can survive a minotaur attack with no training."

"He killed it."

"What?" She turned towards Chiron is suprise, the latter nodding as he held out a minotaur horn, "Damn, what's his name?"

This time she finally faced the unconscious guy. Pretty, he was definitely a pretty boy.

"Percy Jackson, unclaimed as of now,"

"From your voice I feel like you already know who will claim him."

There was a sigh before Chiron's palm fell on her shoulder, her teacher looked so tired in that moment, it was like all the exhaustion from centuries finally caught up to him, his smile hollow as he spoke, "Take care of him, Juli, he's just like you."

Just like you.

Lonely, being like Juli meant Lonely.

"He needs rest, we should let him sleep for sometime, nourish him back." She immediately averted the topic, she didn't want to discuss her personal life.

"I'll look after him right now, we can have somebody else later,"

Chiron nodded as he patted her back with a sad smile before leaving. Juliet sighed before turning back to the unconscious boy. Her eyes scanned his face. He was definitely handsome, handsome atleast considering the majority of pubescent boys.

He had the one trait that Juliet loved in guys, dark messy hair. Oh god, the hair would always be her weakness.

Her hand twitched by her side, it looked fluffy and soft. But she wasn't a creep and he was definitely her patient so she shook her head and stood up to grab some food.

"He's the one involved with the summer solstice warning!" Juliet heard Annabeth whisper shout to Luke, they were hiding by the door, trying to take a peak at Percy.

Juliet knew about the whole summer solstice thing, but she just didn't like Luke messing with her patients. Without a single word she walked towards the door and closed it on their faces with a smug smile.

Luke Castallean was suited to be as far away from her as possible.

She walked walked back to Percy's bed, now with a bowl of ambrosia in her hand, she slowly lifted a spoon to try to feed the boy when his eyes slightly opened. Sea Green, pretty sea green eyes.

He looked extremely disoriented, but Juliet had a few of her own questions, rather than asking him how he was she asked about the summer solstice.

"What will happen at the summer solstice?"

He looked extremely lost but still managed to croak, "What?"

She looked around, afraid Luke or Annabeth might overhear. "What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!"

"I'm sorry," He mumbled, "I don't . . ."

Somebody knocked on the door, and in a state of panic Juliet quickly filled his mouth with the food.

The door opened to reveal her brother Lee Fletcher, the older smiled as he entered the cabin, "You can go rest Juli, I finished practice so I can take care of him."

Juliet stood up with a smile nodding, she took one last look at Percy and decided to leave.

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