828 21 11

october 10
twitter & imessages

@sportsnews- Jude Bellingham's girlfriend, Amora Bayani, seen at airport leaving england alone


user- oh no i knew they had been pretty quiet on social media😢😢

user- your joking

jobebellingham- respect their privacy
↳ they're still tg right..?😨

user- please tell me its not what i think

golden girls

so r u & jude broken up or what?

not officially
i still need time to think
i honestly have no idea what to do

talk to him about it
i can't believe he'd speak to other girls
maybe its a misunderstanding

yeah but that still doesn't explain
why he would lie about not knowing her

he probably didn't think any of it mora
didn't he say that he didn't dm her?

amora i have screenshots
do u want me to send them?
*insert ss*

alma how did u get those?
i'm sorry but thats not how jude types

clearly it is🤷‍♀️

i'm gonna text him
i need to speak to him
instead of just overthinking it

ok but keep them ss in mind

alma😽😽ok but keep them ss in mind

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hey jude
can we talk?

ofc amora

okay the full name caught me off guard

amora what do you want to talk about?
i really just want to get this over with
i've told you already i didn't dm her

i know
i want to believe you so bad
but i'm just scared
& she's so much prettier than me
and theres no reason why u wouldn't want her

i only want you mora
don't worry about how she looks
in my eyes you're the most beautiful girl in the world

but why would u want me?
also i've seen the ss
*insert screenshot*

they have to be fake
idk where you got those from
but i promise you i didn't send those
that's not even how i type amora
you know that

i got them from alma
she's my best friend
why would she make fake ss
jude pls stop denying it
you're making it sm harder for me

amora i swear on my life
it is not true
and idk why alma would send you those
unless she didn't know they were fake
but i promise you amora i love you so much
and it hurts me that you think lying about it
if you really can't trust me
then we're probably not supposed to be together
i really love you but trust is a big thing
and without that i don't think i can be in a relationship with you

no jude please
i don't want to end things with you
i just need time to think about it all

yeah but i can't wait around
and it will be hard for me to act like this hasnt happened
knowing that you can't trust me

i can trust you
it's just hard for me

amora i love you so much
and i don't want to break up either

if you don't then why are you??

amora you don't understand
it's not that easy
we can't be together if u don't trust me
it's whats best for you
i'm sorry

it's not
YOU are whats best for me
jude i can't do this
please don't leave

it's notYOU are whats best for mejude i can't do thisplease don't leave(read)

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jude just broke up with me

oh amora
are you okay?
you can talk to me about anything

i really miss him lamine
also i'm starting to regret blaming him
i'm pretty sure he didn't even dm her
even tho alma sent me a ss
but i have a feeling its fake

amora idk but i think you should talk to her ab it
maybe not rn but when you're feeling better
would you like me to come over?

yes please
i rlly need u rn lamine

okay i'll bring snacks too

okay yay!!
thank you so much
it means a lot

anything for you
i love you (unsent)

authors note!
LAMINE SAYING I LOVE YOU TO HER 😢😢😢 the jude part made me sad, and i feel bad for him cause bro is actually innocent.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐘, lamine yamalWhere stories live. Discover now