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9:30pm | 12/30 | New Year's Business Party

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9:30pm | 12/30 | New Year's Business Party

3rd Person POV:
Deloria & her fiancé, Derrick were currently at an office party. It was supposed to be for some big business merge, it was at a nice venue with dim warm lighting.

The was calm as Derrick stood there talking to some coworkers while holding Deloria's waist firmly, they were a power couple. Both successful, with their own business, both very beautiful people. Derrick standing at 6'2, being dark skin with amazing professionalism, nice skin, etc. While Deloria stood at 5'7 with a nice frame, also being known as the best Juror & part time lawyer in the state, & much more. They were the perfect couple except one issue...

Deloria was in love with someone else.. Specifically her old roommate & fuck buddy, Amiyah. They messed around a lot in their junior & senior years of college, & they would've continued their situation but Deloria got with Derrick. Before he came along Deloria & Amiyah had a strong connection.

It was way deeper than sex.

Even if they would never admit it. The two would do everything together, cook, study, shower, go out, they even slept in the same bed from time to time.
But of course life goes on & things change.
Deloria was now in the lady's room, she didn't have to use it. Just was checking her make up..

She was also hoping for Amiyah to show up simply because Amiyah worked for the other business & Deloria knew that Amiyah wouldn't miss anything involving her career.
She was about to walk out of the restroom when she appeared...
Deloria kind of froze..
Although this is what she longed & craved for, she still was shocked. But her shock was short lived when Amiyah spoke.
"I know that ain't Lori" the somewhat shorter girl said smirking up her.

The taller girl cheesed a little, giving a smile & embracing Amiyah into a hug. "It definitely is!" She exclaimed kinda laughing.
They always hugged each other tightly & it was evident they really missed each other.

The hug was long & when they finally let go, they starred at each other for a while.
"How have you been love?" Amiyah asked staring with admiration.

"I've been good, you know I've been out the way, just making money, & chilling" Lori stated.
"How have you been?" She asked, admiring how good Amiyah looked.

"Same as you, I've been investing in myself, got my business situated, & I just live life comfortably enjoying it" Amiyah said stepping closer to move from in front of the door.

Deloria could smell her perfume, it wasn't just any perfume, it was her favorite one to smell on her.
She inhaled her scent, looking down at her. Even though she towered over the girl she still felt small in her presence.
The tension was there & it was thick.
Deloria cleared her throat, breaking the tension.

"We should head back out there" Deloria spoke.

"Yeah, you wanna sit at the bar & catch up?" Deloria smiled, "yeah we can do that."
The two girls had been at the bar for the last hour & a half, they'd caught up & drunk a few drinks.

The energy was definitely there.

"Omg is that our song ?" Deloria said, stumbling over her words slightly.

"It is" Miyah replied grabbing her hand leading her to the floor.

They began to dance grinding their bodies against each other as they danced.
Deloria pulled the shorter girl closer if even possible.

The tension was definitely high.

The two had chemistry, it was like a strong aura, radiating off the two of them.
They didn't care who saw them as they danced & caressed each other.

"Baby let's go." Deloria whispered in Amiyah's ear. They followed each other into the crowd until they heard commotion. It was Deloria's husband & he was arguing with some woman...

"I swear you're not shit. You've been with me for four years & you still have yet to leave her." The woman screamed.

Deloria was kind of shocked at what she was hearing, it kind of stung. But it made what she was about to do seem harmless.

Amiyah grabbed the girl's hand & they fled the venue.
They were now at Amiyah's house, the whole ride home the two girls had exchanged touches & teasing on both sides.
They stumbled through the door kissing each other, ripping off each other's clothing.

They ended up on the couch, still trying to get out of their clothes.
The girls were now completely naked & all over each other. Amiyah gripped & sucked on each part of the girl as she trailed down her body.

She got to the breathy girl's core, taking in the beautiful sight in front of her.
"I still get this reaction out of you baby?" Amiyah said, taking a slow lick down the girl's pussy.

Deloria let out a yes that came out as a breathy moan.

"You so pretty." Amiyah spoke as she began to suck on Deloria's clit while pushing her tongue deep inside her.
She hummed into the girl as she went deeper.

"You doing so good love." Deloria praised as she looked down at the girl. Amiyah loved being praised by her.
Amiyah took her tongue out of her. Pushing her fingers inside the girl, she now flicked her tongue on the girl's sensitive bud.

Amiyah was doing so good, she wanted to be praised again, she needed it.

"Fuck! You doing so good pretty girl, so fucking good!" Deloria praised grinding herself against her more.
"Keep going pretty girl!" She said, Amiyah did as told speeding up whimpering into her core causing the girl to grind faster.

She continued to do suck and lick at the girl's dripping pussy. Making love to every crevice. 

"don't stop please." Deloria spoke gripping the girl's hair. 

"I'm cumming baby!" "fuck. don't stop" She screamed as her orgasm erupted from her. 

She'd came so hard that she was shaking & still trying to come down from her high. 

She was speechless. 

1050 words

not proofread

Thoughts, Opinions, Comments?

I hope y'all enjoyed it.

Love y'all & don't try to steal my shit.

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