Chapter 6.

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A/N: Well, I think we can all agree, that six chapters in about two weeks, is kind of speed, so that will remain my name. :D

Eating dinner was an amazing feeling, but eating home made, filled with love and happiness, Christmas dinner, was a dream come true. Don't get him wrong, Molly's food had always been lovely, but it did also feel like he was taking food from them, when he visited. With the tribe, Harry was reminded by Sam, Paul and Jacob that it was okay to take before someone else had gotten, and that he wasn't taking anything from anyone, like he always felt he did when he was at the Weasley house. Harry didn't eat a whole lot, but it wasn't expected of him, and no one piled food onto his plate, expecting him to finish every last crumb.

"You like it?" Rebecca and Emily asked on top of one another to know if Harry liked their cooking, when he had taken the first bite of his food. Harry had blushed and looked at them, before smiling a true smile and nodding his head.

As they continued to eat, chatter and other comfortable sounds filling the room, Harry's ears caught the sound of something outside of the door and he turned to Sam, who had turned to look at the door in confusion, looking as if he was about to stand and check what it was.

Harry placed his hand on Sam's arm and shook his head. Making Sam give a look of surprise at the touch. Harry's bare hand was on his skin, - the other hand still wrapped up within a glove - this hadn't happened before, he had always worn a glove or something else before touching anyone of them, and they couldn't touch him unless it was under the same circumstances, at least, that was if they didn't wish a panic attack to surface, which was never the intended outcome of their interactions. And yes, there had been the one time where Harry had hugged Sam, but he had been wearing a shirt and even a jacket, as had Harry.

Soon after the interaction between Harry and Sam, Harry stood up with a bowl of food, a deer bone, some meat, vegetables, potatoes and a bit of gravy, carrying it to the door. He opened it and everyone's eyes widened at the sight. There was foxes, birds, bunnies, squirrels and even a bear sitting there. 

"Harry-!" The wolves itched to run to the boys aid, fearing that he would be harmed, but he just sat down and handed the bone with remnants of meat on it, to the bear, who gently took it from Harry's hand and made a sound before leaving into the depths of the forest once more. A deer poked its head around the corner and Harry handed it an apple.

Now that the large animals were out of the way, the little ones all climbed onto Harry and happily awaited feeding. As he was sitting there, with the snow at his feet, birds on his shoulders and in his hair, squirrels crawling all over him and bunnies sitting on their hind legs, all waiting for the food, the fox mother and father with their cubs all awaiting Harry's offering to them, the tribe only saw a Disney Princess, and that was kind of funny. It was also, sort of magical in a way. The snowy background of the forest, with Harry almost glowing in the doorway, all of the animals loving upon him. 

The tribe all looked at the scene, and few began to note a small scratch on the birds beak, a little bandage around a squirrels tail, the bunny with a patch of fur missing a stitch pattern on its skin, and the mother fox that was limping, the groups that had began to notice, all realised that Harry had helped these animals, he had treated their wounds and now they repaid him with their trust.

After feeding all the animals, and they had all left, Harry stood once more, about to close the door, so that he could return to his seat, when the hoot of an owl sounded through the night. As far as the others knew, there were no owls in Forks... But Harry? Harry gave out a hopeful whistle, he smiled carefully and gripped the door frame, his eyes wide, and soon enough almost as if upon a wish, a snowy white owl flew in and landed on his shoulder. 

Harry buried his face in the owls feathers and she sifted through his curls with happy sounds escaping her beak.

"So, when did you turn into a Disney Princess?" Paul asked with a chuckle and Harry looked at them all, a soft smile on his lips. Paul was shoved by Sam and Jacob, but they were all laughing. Harry sat back down with the bird still on his shoulder, and he was checking her for injuries and possible illnesses. She had been gone for so long... Even with the distance, it would only have taken her a couple of days, it had been almost a month now...

"Heyo! That's the bird we let go from your room." Jared said and grinned. "Wicked! The creature found you all the way to here?!" Harry eyed him and nodded with a small smile. "Yo, what's up with the legs?" Harry furrowed his brows at Seth's comment and instantly his attention went to her legs. His eyes widened as he took her from his shoulder and placed her on the table.

"Is that sanitary-"

"Shut up Rachael..." Rebecca hissed, clearly this bird meant something to Harry, and whatever was up with its legs, it had him worried. Billy noted how Harry's hands started to shake as he inspected the legs. "No..." A soft whisper sounded from him, shocking them all. How could they tie so many to your beautiful legs? Oh Hedwig, I'm so sorry... Harry took the letters from her legs, bundles upon bundles of them... A post owl wasn't even allowed to carry this many, and Hedwig was no Post owl, she was his best friend, for hells sake!

"Letters? What an odd way to come into contact with someone..."

As the others were all cleaning up dinner, Harry was sitting in one of the chairs that stood next to the tree, reading all of the letters... There was about twenty letters here...

Sirius 1.0

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