Prologue The Offeiriades

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"Look at this, Marcus," I say as he turns my direction. I point to my book and he leans over my shoulder to scan the page I have before me.

"What have you found, Love?" he asks as he takes a seat beside me.

"This passage seems like it's describing the outsiders."

I slide the book over to him and I watch him, his finger running along the page and his lips moving as he reads. "Indeed, Siobhan, it sounds very much like these newcomers. Is this the first mention of them that you found?"

I nod. "The first, but not the last. I know you said that we should not trust them, and the Maker seems to agree. Although not all outsiders are intent on causing harm."

"These certainly have no reverence for the land. The plants are dying at an alarming rate. Perhaps we should make them leave. Their toxic ways are spreading. They have already tainted the waters near Dunumshire. Now Doolin has evidently been in talks with them."

"Perhaps those in Doolin can teach them to revere the land. Lady Ailith certainly can be persuasive."

"Aye," Marcus replies with a smile that makes my heart flutter. "You never would have spoken to me had she not intervened and convinced you to dance with me at Beltane."

My face heats at the memory of our first meeting. I had never enjoyed Beltane before meeting Marcus. I look forward to many more as we grow our lives together. "Indeed," I reply as I bring our focus back to the present. "I thank the Maker every day for the both of you. But how do we approach this issue with the Outsiders?"

"You're the lead Counsel, Love. Call a meeting and we will all discuss it."

"You are my equal, Marcus. We shall call the meeting. Do we offer a representative to come from the outsiders?"

He nods. "It would show we are not trying to be hostile, however, my dreams tell me we should be prepared for anything."

I swallow hard at his tone. I was hoping he would not mention the dreams. It has only made this business all the more uneasy. "What preparations should we do? How soon do we have the meeting?"

"The blessing of the children is in a sennight, so most of the council will be coming with their children born this past circle to present them to the Maker here in Ayrshire. We can have the meeting shortly before the service, inviting them to join and present any child they wish to present to the Maker as well."

"A show of good faith. They will believe us to be preparing for the service, and we can decide then how to proceed afterward."

"Precisely. All the while, we need a signal so if things turn for the worst... A way to save as many as we can. Since my dreams began, the Maker has led me to make an underground city. There are only a few entrances, but the air is clean and we have been growing crops for nearly a circle. There are dormitories and we have solar panels to get power that are not tied into our current grids. If something should happen, we can live comfortably for an extended time and be self-sufficient. The other towns are preparing similar places as well."

"I pray it doesn't come to that, Marcus."

"As do I, Siobhan."


We meet as planned and just after the blessing, we hear screams outside the temple where people are heading to the feast. I look to Marcus, who is giving a nod to Liam. He turns to me and touches his fingers to his lips then raises them to me before turning and Liam bars the doors after him. Remembering the plan, I turn to Alina who begins leading others to small rooms along the back of the temple. It is in that moment that the Outsiders that remain in the temple strike. They grab a pregnant woman and slit her throat, blood spatter going everywhere. I call my sword and attack the monster. He and his companion fall, melting into puddles. Alina has stopped and is staring in horror as she keeps telling others to run. Liam calls to us to join the others so we head towards the storage area for our ceremonial robes and items.

We enter in a rush, not bothering to close the door. We are frightened. I feel my heart thundering in my chest. Alina's face is pale, blood streaks her face and robes, I am sure I look no better. I feel a pull to the far back corner, it is so dark that I rely simply on touch. I reach the end and feel a wall. Panic starts to overtake me when a calming sensation floods me. 'Go right and press into the indentation'. Comes a voice in my head. The Maker?! I do as I'm told and when I touch the indentation, the wall moves to reveal a tunnel. I hear shouting coming closer and young ones start to whimper. "Alina, lead the young ones down this tunnel. Keep going until you find a place where you hear nothing. Gather those with you and pray to the Maker. I will come for you as soon as I can."

"Y-Yes Offeiriades," she replies before ushering the frightened children and few young mothers with her. I send a prayer that the Maker protects the young woman. I sense something in her. Her calm demeanor, despite just seeing her mother slain. I know it is right to entrust her to lead the young ones towards safety.

I start to return to the temple when I am hit so hard I drop to my knees. I look round but see nothing other than shelving. My breath comes in gasps as the air fills with smoke. I crawl my way towards the entrance of the room only to be met with searing heat. I'm trapped! Marcus! I feel his life force slipping. I make to stand, to run but the smoke and heat knock me back to the floor. Part of the ceiling collapses as another explosion rocks the ground and walls around me. I crawl back to the wall and grope for the indentation. Liam approaches me from behind, dragging an unconscious Arden behind him. Liam has lost a good bit of blood, but he manages to find me in the smoky darkness. I struggle to open the wall once more as I frantically feel along the wall for the place to press. I finally find it and push inward enough we get through and close the wall behind us as we are met with eerie silence and stale cool air. After a few tics, we slowly rise and start down the dark corridors, the floor slanting downward as we walk. Liam tries to wake Arden, to no avail, so he drags him along with us, not wanting the Bás Deheomhan to catch our scent. Neither of us speaks as we listen for signs of others and of pursuit. Suddenly, a sharp pain hits me and I drop to the ground. I feel as though a blade pierces my heart. I know in that instant...he is gone.

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