13 Derrick

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I have nearly finished my round of the perimeter when a low growl catches my ear. Thinking it odd, I head towards it, watching carefully for signs of impending danger. As I approach a small clearing about midway between the caves and the human compound, I catch sight of a young male child looking warily at a blaidd slowly closing in. Seeing the beast go back on its haunches, I know it's about to pounce and I react, jumping towards the child, scooping him up and rolling us across the field as the creature hits my arm, causing a gash on the child, whom I couldn't fully shield. We roll from the impact and the child starts to cry. We stand, my senses heightened as the beast launches again; the boy still protected by my left arm. I hear a blast and the creature yelps as it falls to the ground just as I call my sword and it appears in my hand. Looking round, I spot the man in the strange hat and I release the child after confirming the threat has passed. The boy runs over to the man his arm bleeding, but otherwise unscathed.

The man wraps the boy in his arms after looking him over, tearing off one sleeve of his shirt and wrapping the gash.

"The boy should be fine," I state as the sword vanishes from my hand.

"Thank you," the man says as the child stays tightly against him.

I give a short nod. "I could not allow a child to be hurt, even if he is invading our grounds. You were lucky that I was nearby."

"Shaun, come back with me. Talk to the others, please."

"My name is Derrick," I state firmly as I turn and hop into the shadows and take to the trees, leaving the other man to gape at the empty space to where I had been moments before.


I make my way back to Ayrshire, altering my route to be certain that I was not followed. After watching once more for signs of pursuit at the entrance, I enter the caverns and turn towards the common areas where music and laughter can still be heard, even at this late awr. Upon entering, I see no sign of Merida. I assume she left after I was gone for so long, So I head to my quarters. As I am heading down the corridor, Quentin comes out from a side corridor looking pleased as he pulls on a shirt, which gives me an uneasy feeling. He passes without a word; just a slight smirk on his face is the only greeting. I reach my quarters and go inside to prepare for bed. After removing my boots and undoing my belt, I cannot seem to shake an uneasy feeling. Figuring its guilt for not returning to see Merida, I put my belt and boots back on and head further down the corridor towards Merida's quarters. Hearing the sound of the waterfall, I stop for a moment, remembering her fondness for the spot and decide to look there first.

My uneasiness increases when I see some blood and torn clothing on the floor of the cavern not far from the waterfall. Sensing something very wrong, I start looking around some of the nearby alcoves. After searching several, I find Merida curled up on the ground sobbing, the sight of her making me suck in a breath to force the rage building to remain under control as I rush to her side, dropping to my knees. I make to touch her arm when I notice bruising in the shape of fingers on her arms and shoulder. "Meri?" I say as I work to keep my anger at bay.

She tenses at the sound of my voice and tries to pull herself in a way to make her seem smaller. "Go...please..." she manages to whisper between sobs.

"Wha- what happened?" I ask as I search her for further injury.

"Just...go. Leave me be," she whimpers.

"I'm going to get the Offeiriades," I state firmly as I stand up.

"No!" she all but shouts, her tone frantic.

I kneel back down as she turns to face me a bit more, it's then that I can tell she's been struck. Her face is swollen and bruised. "Meri, you really should be checked," I manage to say without my anger coming through in my tone.

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