Chapter XI:

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|| Artwork Book Chapter made by: Diana De La Torre Martinez - Pinterest ||

|| 3rd Person POV ||

-"Good Morning, Metal!~" Cubot yelled in a loud voice, holding the name for a few seconds before coming to an stop.

-"Breakfast will be in the kitchen and waiting for you, today's going to be a looooong day," He kept the door open as he seemed overly joyed about this.

The hedgehog was startled when the robot entered the door and greeting him with such enthusiasm. It was tiring, and he wondered why the Doctor didn't like the small pieces of hovering junkies.

Metal Sonic felt all groggily as he placed both his hands on his face, groaning before sitting up soon after. Why did he feel like this? He never felt such way whenever he woke up.

Perhaps it was the fact he had somewhere to sleep in somewhere actually comfortable, or the fact he knew he had more than just one ordeal to deal with today.

Either way, he pulled the covers off. Putting the foot over the other and placing them on the bedroom floor below, he stood up and slowly walked out the room; heading to the kitchen.

A few moments passed by, as he made his way towards where he would meet the two robots-

-"Move it, you pieces of junk! I don't have all day!" A familiar voice filled the hedgehogs ears from their yells with anger and frustration.

It wasn't hard to understand who had yelled such things, nor was it that difficult to locate where it was either. To his mighty surprise.. Behold, it was the Doctor.

-"I swear I don't know why I even bother with you big time wasting—!" Inaudible words were spoken time to time, as he noticed big security bots carrying large boxes with such slow pace.

It wasn't unnatural to see Dr. Eggman Upset, but it wasn't normal to notice how much threats were thrown at the robots.

Nonetheless, it was normal. A day to day basis that was seen every week inside the large lair. The hedgehog however went up right beside the Doctor as he kept his eyes on the large robots carrying such weights.

He wished he would change back, it was already tiring and annoying to be an organic life form.

-"Good morning, Metal." The Doctor soon spoke as he noticed the hedgehog.

Although the hedgehog didn't speak back, he looked up at him with a soft monotone look. Even knowing what he'd done to him, he couldn't see the Doctor any less. It had felt wrong to do so.

-"Are you not suppose to be somewhere by now?" He questioned.

Metal Sonic looked down, as he was supposed to be somewhere right now. However he did slightly feel confused as he felt a hand on top of his head- the Doctor to be seemingly giving a pat or two on the hedgehog.

..Before noticing a security robot dropping a crate and immediately going to yell at it to pick it back up.

Unsure what to do with the leftover mixed emotions, Metal had left.

-"Hell-O! Look who finally came by," Cubot greeted as he had a similar apron on.

Orbot was at the stove, as he was standing on top of a child's stool as he flipped and messed around with a few pans, as he quickly looked behind him and greeting the hedgehog as well.

-"Good Morning, Brother," Orbot greeted, "Your plate shall arrive shortly." He turned his head right back to what he was focusing on before.

Sniffing the air, he could recognize the familiar scents. It was the food he's always been served. As he sat down on the chair at the table, he was quickly served with a plate of mainly vegetables, fruits and very few amounts of meat.

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