2|| Princess

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"P-princess Eris?" Diya wasn't sure if she should feign confusion or fear so she settled somewhere in the middle.

"Why would she do that?" Sebastian objected in a sharp tone. "She helped us during the Great War- she and her other siblings."

The Emperor sighed and shook his head. "Look, Sebastian, I know that you're less wary of the little demon after she saved your life, but you have to remember what she is."

"I've only heard rumours about Princess Eris," Diya ventured with a tentative chuckle. "Who exactly is she?"

Caspian's expression darkened like gathering storm clouds. "Princess Eris, the surviving adopted daughter of the Queen and King Consort of the Demon Realm. You met her brother, Prince Kyler, a while ago."

"Yes, I recall."

"Well, imagine someone twice as dangerous and three times as cunning."

Well, Kyler is not going to be happy about that. Diya thought with a laugh disguised as a cough. She forced out an expression of shock.

"Anyone who gets on her bad side is automatically done for," one of the strangers drawled. He flicked his green hair over his shoulders and gave Diya a languid look. "Count yourself lucky you haven't met her."

His companion with a pointed nose shuddered. "I've looked into her eyes once- such a murderous intent I've never felt before! I pray she doesn't remember me."

Don't worry, I don't.

"I've heard other stories." Duke Greishen clasped his fingers together with a conspiratorial grin. "Many think she's one of the most beautiful people in the Empire- certainly the most out of her siblings."

I always knew I liked you, Duke. Diya bit back a smile and cleared her throat, attempting to retain her dignity.

Sebastian glanced back and whispered, "You good? Do you want some water?"

Diya shook her head. "No, it's fine–"

"Well, I have seen her and I honestly do not see what all this fuss is about." Caspian shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "She looks quite plain, if I'm being frank."

I will take your cane and beat you over the head with it. Diya's expression soured like milk left outside in the heat for too long and she gripped her hands tightly behind her back.

"If this is a matter of demons," Sebastian said. "Then we should consult the priests at the temple. Perhaps they can give an insight on the matter."

A chill shot through Diya as if a knife was scraping against her spine and she suppressed a shudder. The temple represented light, love, and humility- completely contrasting the doom and darkness of Necromancers and demons. She could also never forgive them for being filthy hypocrites and turning their backs on her when she needed support most.

Emperor Carlos leaned back and nodded in contemplation. "That is not a bad suggestion, Crown Prince. We will have to go there and get Lady Diya blessed in order for her to formally enter the Imperial household."

A pit opened in Diya's stomach, similar to the sensation of being dropped down a long tunnel. "I'm sorry, what?"

Emperor Carlos bristled at the lack of respect in her tone, but answered. "You will be blessed by the High Priests in order to remove any impurities, and then I will formally introduce you to society as the Crown Prince's bodyguard. This should have happened earlier, but the Empress convinced me to allow you time to settle in after the trial."

"T-thank you for your courtesy," Diya fumbled with her words, tugging on the collar of her shirt. Her vision tunnelled as if she was the only person in the room, the Emperor's words reverberated in her skull.

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