4- maybe you're okay

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present; narrative

It was finally Saturday, my favorite day of the week. Quinn was working so I had the apartment all to myself and had no plans, no homework and no motivation to even get out of bed. It was finally a me day where I didn't have to listen to stupid professors, Hailey's dumb voice, Quinn's ranting or Angels screaming. The only thing that could be heard was Drake playing lightly from my speaker.

"SORRY!" Someone screamed from outside. I was only on the third floor of my apartment building so I heard a lot of the commotion that happened on the streets but this seemed oddly close. I looked out of my window seeing that bright blonde hair I was hoping to ignore all weekend. She was staring right back at my window, motioning me to open it, which I did but only because I wanted to know her reasoning for coming to my place.

"Can you let me up Parky?" She begged giving me her best puppy dog eyes, I rolled my eyes and went to buzz her up.

Not even 3 minutes later Hailey was aggressively knocking at my door, I opened it to find a very out of breath Hailey panting infront of me.

"Did you run?" I tried to hold in my laugh, did she not see the elevator?

"Elevator was too slow I wanted to talk to you." She let herself into my apartment, making herself comfortable on my couch.

"Ok you couldn't do that over the phone?" I questioned, closing the door but still standing by the door confused.

"You never gave me your number, remember?" She rolled her eyes before returning to her bright smile. "So there's a party tonight and before you get all cocky no I did not want to invite you but I asked everyone else and they said no so you're kinda my last resort cause I really wanna go."

She really came here to throw rocks at windows, run up my stairs just to ask me that. I laughed, sitting down on the couch but very far from her.

"What's so special about this party?" I asked confused, she must have been to so many parties in her life so why did she want to go to this one so bad that she had to invite me.

"My first LSU party, please Parker." Her voice seemed genuine and I knew how big of a deal this was for her. Even though it was her 4th year at college it was still her first year at LSU. She had the same experiences as a freshman but had no one to show her the ropes. Yes she had the basketball team but they didn't know how to get down and party.

"Fine but only because you need to experience an LSU party." I gave in, walking into my room to start getting ready. It was pretty late so I assumed the party would be starting soon.

Surprisingly Hailey followed me into my room instead of leaving. I turned back to her confused.

"I don't wanna have to come back here again just let me stay." She pleaded again, flopping onto my bed. I just let her, not really being in the mood to argue which was weird because something about arguing with Hailey was enjoyable.

gorgeous- Hailey Van LithWhere stories live. Discover now