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Everyone, including me was running. Whether it be out into the forest or into the cornucopia, everyone was running.

The fucker from District 8 actually went in to attack me before we reach the cornucopia. I lead him to the rock I saw earlier and block his punch, making him trip over the rock and onto the ground.

Glimmer, who'd already grabbed a spear from the cornucopia, saw the commotion, ran over, and stabbed the guy to death.

His cannon sounded, startling me. This was the first death of the game. Before I'm used to it, I start hearing more cannons going off.

"You good?" Glimmer asks, clearly in a rush for more supplies and kills.

"Yeah" I respond.

"Here" she tosses me a knife she got from the cornucopia.

"Thanks" I say. Quickly, we part ways.

I look for Clove and run to her in a trajectory with the least amount of people. She'd found a pack with throwing knives and a vest.

She turns to look at me then looks afraid. "Toni look out!" she says.

The girl from 6 tackles me to the ground and tries to stab me, but I roll over and she gets her sword stuck in the ground, allowing me the chance to stab her in the neck with my knife.

That cannon marks my own first kill.

"Holy shit" I whisper to myself.

I try not to focus on the fact that I just killed someone and grab the sword out of her dead grasp.

Seeing Cato near me, I run up and hand it to him, knowing swords were his weapon of choice.

"For me? Aww you shouldn't have" he teases as if we weren't in an extreme life or death situation.

I turn around to see, from a distance, the boy from five fighting hand to hand with Clove. I know she doesn't need my help, but I throw my knife into his head, and he goes down.

"Thanks!" Clove yells over, before she goes to take his supplies.

I run over to her.

"But you know I had him anyways" she says, confidently.

"I know. Just wanted to practice my aim" I say.

Great, now I'm also starting to sound like a career who doesn't realize the circumstances we're in.

By now, everything's calmed down and it's just the pack left. Well that and the dead bodies.

I survived the cornucopia. I didn't end up like Ben. Something I surely wouldn't have been able to achieve without the career alliance. I didn't think I'd ever be so thankful that Glimmer thought I was hot.

The group begins walking towards each other.

"How was it?" Marvel asks everyone, a look of exhilaration on his face. "Kill count?" he asks.

"Two" Cato starts.

"Same" says Marvel and Clove.

"But we're just warming up" Clove smirks.

"Three kills" Glimmer chips, proud to have the most.

"Damn, girl" Cato says.

It's crazy how I was with a group of people who enjoyed the killing. They really were having fun. I truly don't understand, but I hope I don't learn to later on.

"What about you, Three?" Glimmer asks, snapping me back into the Games.

"Uh, two I think. Boy from 5 and girl from 6" I say.

"That's my girl" Glimmer pats me on the back. The group was probably expecting the non-career to have less kills.

Clove rolls her eyes at Glimmer.

"Damn, you know their numbers and stuff. I don't really pay attention and just kinda kill whoever's there." Marvel says, laughing.

"Me too man" Cato fist bumps him and Clove rolls her eyes with a smile.

I'm just gonna have to get used to this.

"Oh, oh guys shut up. Over there" Glimmer whispers, pointing into the entrance of the forest.

There stood the girl from 4. She was poorly hidden and was clearly waiting to see if we'd leave the cornucopia.

When Glimmer points, the girl's eyes widen and she begins to run into the forest.

We all start chasing after her.

"Hey woah, woah, woah. Someone guard the stuff" Cato says as we begin running.

"Here, I got it!" I offer, running back into the cornucopia.

I wait here but hear sounds of a girl screaming from where they ran in. They probably killed her.

And so far, I haven't seen anyone try to come near the cornucopia. And I'm sure that scream is probably making others run deeper into the forest. I look through a few packs and find a couple knives that I strap onto myself.

I hear the sound of cheering and laughing getting louder and louder, meaning the group was almost back.

Sure enough, I see them coming out of the forest.

The group jogs over to me. "Oh my god, Toni it was so great. She was all like 'Please don't kill me. Oh no!'" Glimmer mocks, laughing.

I give her a fake chuckle in return.

"Hunting in a group is fun. We gotta take Toni next time" Marvel says.

"Uh, I don't know" I say.

Clove elbows me. "Hey, what about your district partner, huh? I said I'd save you the kill" she suggests.

"I forgot about him. Okay, sure then" I say, finally having someone that I want to kill.

"There you go, Three. Knew there was some bloodlust in there" Cato comments with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah, it's 'cause he had a crush on you, right? That's a harsh rejection" Marvel jokes.

"Harsh but fair" Glimmer defends. "I mean if some loser announced on live television that they had a secret crush on me, I'd kill him too" she says.

"Yeah, but Glimmer, I think we've established that you'll kill anybody" I say, making the group laugh.

"Okay, okay. Take the important things with you. Let's go kill some tributes" Cato says.

We grab weapons and group all the food packs into a big pack that Cato offers to carry.

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