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My head was pounding when my eyes opened and I found myself in the bed of my room in the penthouse. Shit, I don't remember coming to bed. Slowly I sat up dragging my fingers through my hair and looked around, eyes landing on Anna who was lying on her stomach with her arms tucked under her pillow and the comforter draped over her bare waist. "Oh fuck," I muttered and rubbed my chin. "That really happened."

I chewed on my lip as I stared at her as she slept, a part of me thought the feeling of being inside of her was just something my drunken brain had dreamed up. A little noise came from her before she rolled onto her side and her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning," she softly greeted rubbing her eyes. I didn't say anything as I looked at her and she let out a sigh sitting up. "It was just a drunken night."

My brow furrowed at her words and I watched her push off the blanket moving to the edge of the bed. "I can see the regret in your eyes Octavius, stop over thinking it. What happened last night was just casual, drunk sex, it didn't mean anything."

I couldn't stop my eyes from following her as she rose and walked out of the room. "Fuck," I hissed and slammed my fists down into the mattress before falling back again the pillows. I could hear her moving around in the other room then the shower cut on in the bathroom, she has to hate me now. She isn't wrong, my rational brain regrets what we did I mean she's my wife's twin sister for fuck's sake, but the depraved part of my mind wants to be buried deep inside of her again until I fill her with my cum.

"Shit," I cursed and threw off the blanket off rushing to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and drug my hands through my hair again then pushed the door open when she called for me to come in. 

"What is it?" she asked peering around the shower door. 

"Uhm," I began shifting from foot to foot. "I know we didn't use protection last night-" 

"Tavin," she sighed cutting me off. "You don't have to do anything. I can't get pregnant."

She let out another breath when she saw the confused look on my face and shut off the water before grabbing the towel from the wall rack. "I'm guessing that Elizabeth didn't tell you."

"Didn't tell me what?"  I asked as she climbed out of the shower wrapping with the towel around her body. 

"I can't get pregnant because I had a full hysterectomy after my miscarriage, that's why I had to stay in the hospital for a while."

The way she talked about it was cold and made my heart ache. "Anna I didn't.... I didn't know."

She shook her head and stepped around me to go back to her room. "It's fine." Her eyes met mine and she gave me a half smile. "I came to terms with it years ago."

All I wanted to do was take her in my arms, she's been through so much over the years but has never let all of those things hold her back. 


When we got back to Thousand Oaks Tavin dropped me off at the house before heading to the office to make sure everything was still standing and I went to the patio with my phone and cigarettes. I had just sent Galveston a text asking if I could call once he had a free second when I settled onto one of the chairs lighting a smoke. Not even two minutes later my phone started to ring with an incoming call from Gal. "You didn't have to call right away," I sighed putting the phone to my ear.

"I know I didn't Baby," he replied. "But I'm bored out of my mind setting at the beach house and you never ask for me to call. So what's up?"

I took a long drag and exhaled smoke before replying. "Well, Tavin and I had sex last night."

He was silent for a moment. "How was it?"

"It was... good. Now I know I need to have you both."

His gruff chuckle filled my ears and I could feel my face heat up. "Like I said the other night, anything you want."

"You should have seen his face this morning Gal. Regret was written all over it."

"I'm sure that's not true Baby."

"We were drunk, how many drunken nights have you got regretted?'

"Just one and it turned into be more than a one-night stand."

I rolled my eyes at this knowing he meant that night in Prague. "I don't think he's been with anyone since Elizabeth."

"Its very possible, that is how it is for a lot of young widowers. Give him time Cher, I'm sure its something he'll have to work through."

I took a long drag and tapped the ashes into the ashtray. "You're right," I sighed. "Are you ready for Paris?"

"Not really, I don't like weddings."

"Who knows maybe you'll find you a nice French girl while over there."

"Not that I will be looking. Can I see you when I'm back state side?"

"They won't need you in DC?"

"Right now all of my work is online and I can do that from anywhere."

I couldn't stop myself from cracking a smile. "Then I'd really like that Gal."

"Well, Ma Cheri I hate to cut this short but I gotta get some shut eye, I have an early flight."

"Dream of me."

"Always Baby, good night."

"Night Gal."

I hung up and finished my cigarette before heading inside just as Tavin was shutting the front door. "Everything still standing?" I asked as he tossed his keys on the table just inside the front door."

"Yeah, thank God," he sighed shrugging of his coat. 

"That's good." I was heading toward the guest room but stopped when he said my name and turned as he ran his hands down his face. 

"Can we talk about last night?" he asked and I crossed my arms over my chest with a sigh. 

"What is there to talk about Tavin? We were both drunk."

"I... I don't regret what happened Anna."

My brow furrowed as I looked at him. "I saw the look on your face this morning."

He closed the distance between us in a few long legged strides taking my face in his hands. "This morning I was so conflicted. I haven't been with a woman since LIz died and the first time in years I give in to what I want its with my wife's twin sister."

Slowly I placed my hands on top of his as I was looking up at him. "Do you think I'm not conflicted about the whole situation? I loved Elizabeth, she was my other half, wanting you like that felt like the ultimate betrayal."

He let out a breath resting his forehead. "I don't want it to be a one-time thing Annie," he whispered. "Being buried inside of you felt so damn good I never knew it could be like that."

I chewed on my bottom lip as my hands moved to rest on his waist. "If you want we can keep this casual and see what happens."

He gave a little nod and used his gentle hold on my face to tilt my head up so he could kiss me. My fingers fisted in his shirt as I kissed him back. When he pulled away he ran his thumbs over my cheeks with a smile. "So Stella tells me you're helping her pick out a dress for the gala," he commented as he stepped back and took my hand so we could walk to the den. 

"I am, we're going out tomorrow."

"Why don't you get one for yourself and go with us?"

"Because we both know my mother would make it miserable for everyone."

He raised my hands to his lips kissing my knuckles. "I wish there was something I could do to make things easier between you two."

"There's nothing anyone can do. That ship sailed years ago."

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