CH : 4 - Beginning of the plot - Cloud recesses arc (part 1)

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Here's the thing. I don't know what to buy as a gift! Or how to get experience!

Alright, first things first, I can night hunt right now and get some experience while also using information from the original plot.

Since it is night right now I will need to wait til morning before all the shops open. As a gift I could buy something like ..... aha! A box of thousands of years old herbs. I heard that it would be considered lucky to have a single 1000 year old ginseng in a sect let alone a full box of different old herbs.

It's decided then. My gift is a box of old herbs and my experience will be gained in one night!


Guess what! I was allowed to enter the Lan clan as a guest disciple! Guess I won't have to use force.

I was a little nervous as I had to walk alone in front of everyone and present my gift that is obviously of better value than the rest of the clans.

Would they start to investigate me because it is suspicious of me to give this kind of gift? Probably.

But they won't find anything. He, no matter how hard they try. Kinda makes me feel like a mysterious character of a story.

Finally, du-dun du-dun. The long-awaited moment is before us. I am standing after the rest of the clans presented their gifts. I am standing alone and obviously representing the rouge cultivators.

"I am Ya Meiying, representing the rouge cultivators. I am here today to present my gift and learn with all of you, young masters. I am quite honored to be in your presence. Now, presenting my gift. It is a box containing ....."

Suddenly I was interrupted by none other than the bastard .... I mean young master of the Wen clan, Wen Chao.

"I didn't know the Lan clan allows beggars to come and learn with the young masters of various sects. The Lan clan is truly magnanimous."

I went out of the way and tried getting as close to Lan Qiren as possible. When I was close enough, I asked if I was allowed to hit him senseless?

Lan Qiren didn't quite understand what I meant and said yes.

I thanked him and quickly made my way to the middle of the hall.

"Looks like rats can come and go as they like here, would you like me to chase them out?" I asked looking at all the young masters sitting in the hall.

Suddenly a voice familiar to me sounded clear through the hall. It was the silver eyed figure that had caught me before. Wei Wuxian!

"Yes, please do. I dont like rats"

After hearing his words, one after the other the young masters cheered to chase out the rats.

"Yes, chase them out!"

"Damn dogs! Chase them out!"

"Chase them out!"

Hearing their cheers I started using my golden core. Though I wasn't supposed to use both spiritual and resentful energy since the golden core was only keeping the resentful energy under control I couldn't let them know about me being a demon. Besides I have already asked the system about this and it said :
"Host is advised to not use to much spiritual energy but it can still be used. However no matter what, you cannot exhaust your golden core otherwise you will go crazy because of the resentful energy."

I felt a warm feeling running through my blood and muscles. I was about to draw my sword when a female voice interrupted :

"Lady Ya, I apologize for my young master interrupting you while you were speaking. I also apologize to the Lan clan for breaking into their borders. However me and my brother were sent here to represent the Wen clan." She said while bowing courteously with her hands to the side.

Oh God! How can I forget about Wen Qing and Wen Ning!

"It is quite alright. Seeing as the Wen clan has educated atleast one of their members has given me a new view of them. Please, seeing as you are of higher rank than me, you should present your gift before me." I said which shocked everyone around at how submissive I seemed to be. "However I would like it if you would let the dog out as I don't like dogs." I continued while hinting at Wen Chao.

"Lady Ya, I would appreciate it if you could give us some face and let it go. I'll make sure to compensate you later." Said Wen Qing.

"Lady Wen must be joking, at no time did I ask for compensation. I simply don't like dogs and prefer cats and rabbits. So I would like for the dog to go out."

Wen Qing had no choice but to try and force the 'dog' out. After an hour or so the dog finally left.

It was time for the Wen clan to present their gift. After that was my turn.

"As I said earlier I'm Ya Meiying and I am representing the rouge cultivators. My present today is something precious that I cannot keep. I present the Lan clan a box carved of fine elder tree wood. Inside this box is 5 herbs, each with medicinal effects and are over 1000 years.

The silence was killing. Noone dared speak a word as they took in the information. Not only was the content worth a whole small sect but elder trees were hard to come by. They had to be planted in special places and taken care of in a special way. They also needed a place filled with spiritual energy to grow. The whole tree could be used as a cultivation tool and in special cases even an almost all-curing medicine. The whole gift was precious, even the box.

The young masters couldn't believe their ears. The gift of a rouge cultivator was worth more than all the gifts of the major clans together.

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