——————— Max's POV: ————————
Max couldn't believe his eyes. His sister. Here. At this shitty camp in the middle of fuckton nowhere. He needed answers.
"So, Why the fuck are you here." Max asked, lagging behind to walk next to Kayla.
"Same reason you are." Max glared at her.
"You're insufferable. What the fuck happened back home!?"
"What else? Mom and Dad got sick of me and shipped me away to 'Visit and make sure you're okay.'" Max scoffed at the statement. Sure. Just fucking great. Goddamnit, Now I have her around. "Well, Thanks but I don't need my fucking sister around. especially with David everywhere. I'm not 5." Max snapped. Kayla sighed and fondly rolled her eyes. "What's up with You and David? He seems nice enough." Kayla glanced at David, who was whistling as he led them to the campsite.
"That's the problem! He's a pain in the ass!" Kayla hummed in response. "Whatever you say, Max." "I'm serious! He-"
"Hi! My name is Nikki! Who are you? How old are you!? Why is your hair black and blue!?" Nikki butted in, jumping onto Kayla's back. "Holy shit-" Kayla stumbled. "Uh, I'm Kayla, Max's sister. I'm 11, and my hair is like that because I dyed it." She said, reintroducing herself.
"Sister? But you two look too different to be siblings?" Max internally rolled his eyes. "It's because-"
"Well maybe Max was adopted. It would make sense." Neil suggested, walking over to them. Wait a minute.
"I'm not-!"
"Yeah! Look, Kayla's got brown eyes and wavy hair, but Max has Green eyes and really poofy hair!" Nikki added. "Plus, They look different! Like, Kayla's freckles and shit!"
"She's-" Max tries again.
"Or She got plastic surgery! Like that 'Kim K lady'I heard my mom talk about!" Nikki suggested.
"Hold it!" Kayla exclaimed, a bit fed up as Max snickered. Nikki and Neil looked at her as She sent a light glare at him.
"I'm adopted. Not the little shit over here." Kayla says, gesturing to Max. They nodded, as Max scoffed. "How fucking dense do you need to be not to get it." Kayla elbowed Max in the ribs.
——————— Kayla's POV: ————————
David led them to the first stop on the tour of the campgrounds. "The first stop on any good tour is the flagpole! I can't help but give it the official Camp Campbell salute every time I see it!" David saluted the flag.
...Is that the fucking shocker gesture...?
"Beside the flag pole is our Mess Hall, which-" David saluted the flag again. "Oh, sorry! Saw the flag again." Kayla held back on rolling her eyes, it was a bit too corny for her liking, although she wasn't really sure he was faking it. "Beside the Flag Pole is our Mess Hall, which is connected to the Quartermaster Store! It's here that we'll serve meals, hold announcements, and occasionally take part in camp activities. Tell 'em just how much you love it, Max!" David exclaimed, eyes practically shining with joy.
Nikki, Neil, and Kayla looked over at Max, who looked so done with David.
"See, that's the sad thing. He still actually thinks I love it."
"Damn." That was all Kayla said, kind of feeling bad for David. Poor guy just wanted the kids to have fun and gaslit himself into thinking they did.
"And who wouldn't?" David exclaimed, choosing to ignore the bad part of Max's comment.

Prepare for trouble (and make it double) || A Camp Camp fic for a dying fandom
Fanfiction'Kayla stared out of the bus window, forehead pressed against the burning hot glass. Her Parents decided they had other things to do and sent her to Camp Campbell to "take care of her Brother." She frowned. She didn't think her parents cared for Max...