- (7) worse than death

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❝..there's things worse than death...❞

September 4, 2017

Y/n pov ,, 9:39 pm


He walks towards us

"Just fucking do it already. Get it over with" Nica says

I nod

"If I wanted you two dead you'd be tits up by now. I was never gonna kill you guys. Believe me. There's worse things than death" chucky 1 says

"Before I do this. I believe today is the day for your story y/n" chucky 1 says

"What are you taking about?" I ask

"How you became deaf, let's start from the beginning. It was many years ago before I met Nica's mom. I was interested in Claire for a while and she was leading me on. Then one day,  I saw her with Ryan, your father." Chucky 1 says

I make a shocked look

"So, after I saw that, I called your mom and threatened to kill her and Ryan. Many years later, after I became a doll, I kept my promise, I went to your dad's job when he had a night shift and I killed him. Then i went to your house and instead of killing your mother, I put a curse on you. For you to be completely deaf and only and to hear my voice. Then, eight years later, i got in a car and t boned her" chucky 1 finishes

"Why?.." I ask crying

"It's ok now y/n, you can hear!" He says

"Now, it's time" Chucky 1 says

"Time for what?" Nica asks

"To possess your body forever" Chucky 1 says about to continue

"Wait!" I say

Chucky and Nica both look at me

"Can I tell her something?" I ask

He nods

"But hurry up, we don't got all day" he says

I nod

"Nica, I love you so much and I always will. You're the best thing that had every happened to me. You've been the best friend and girlfriend I've ever had, you always took care of me even when you were annoyed of me. You always made me laugh even when you were at your lowest. We always stuck by each other's side and it won't change. Even if Chucky is in there with you. I will still be here" I say

"I love you too y/n" Nica says crying

"Alright, can i go now?" Chucky 1 asks

I nod and lay my head on Nica's shoulder

As Chucky does the chant, Nica and I give each other one last kiss

I put my head back in her shoulder she closes her eyes tightly

All of a sudden lighting strikes

After Chucky fell to the floor, I get up from Nica's shoulder

Just in time because she immediately stands up

"Chucky?" I ask

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