Chapter 1 - Prologue

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“…Is this for real?”

I stared at the black-and-white screen for a while. It was beyond belief, leaving me speechless.

It was because this playthrough had been going so well.

Starting as an illegitimate child of a noble family with a legitimate claim to the throne, I was on the verge of becoming the king through politics and wars.

I had even formed an alliance with the Empire.

‘But assassination… really?’

The game message explained that I had died due to sudden acute poisoning.

However, I could tell without confirming that I had fallen victim to an assassination scheme.

Of course, it was common for characters to die like this in the game.

Yet, the futile annihilation of the time I had poured into it never became familiar.

“I have no luck, none at all.”

A deep sigh escaped my lips. “Having no luck” was what gamers with insufficient skill always said.

But in my case, it was different.

…It was true.

I wasn’t just consoling myself; it was because the game was designed in a way where events like this depend on probability, much like a game where even shooting a gun in front of you had only a 1% chance of missing.

I had even recruited quite competent individuals in the field of stratagems to avoid being assassinated.

Well, there might have been someone among them who was involved.

In a realistic game, it was impossible to satisfy all human relationships.

But even so, the probability wouldn’t have been high.

Even with a 1% chance, if you tried it 200 times, you were bound to succeed. But did you really want to make that many attempts?

As a gamer, I naturally blamed luck in such situations.

“Ha, damn it. Should have been more cautious.”

I mumbled, but it was a futile remark.

I didn’t even know who arranged it. The probability was high that it was a devil worshipper, but I couldn’t be certain.

Considering I started as an illegitimate child with the throne within reach, it was a situation with a lot of static.

And well…

I wasn’t a character specifically built for stratagems or scheming in the first place.

I focused on combat prowess, so even if my subordinates were skilled in stratagems, the chances of success were low.


Even though the game was displaying “Game Over,” pressing the confirm button wasn’t easy. My character was rarely well-developed in a game where you didn’t allow to abuse the load and save.

Well, there was nothing I could do.

‘Let’s stop.’

Valhǫll was an early access game that I happened to come across after being discharged from the military.

It was a medieval fantasy with a touch of modernity, offering a high degree of freedom in gameplay.

Although it was quite challenging, it was so enjoyable that I invested a considerable amount of time even after returning to school.

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