43 - Hospital -

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TW: Soccor injury, passing out, hospital


Lizzie POV

I'm totally marveling over Riley's game. She plays so well and even scored today. From her reaction I take it she doesn't score much.

''The other team is getting frustrated'' Robbie says and I nod. They start playing more aggressively.

After a bit, this girl runs toward the goal. The field is pretty open but Riley slides in and her foot hits the ball. I follow the ball to her teammate who kicks it to the front line. All of a sudden I hear a scream that sounds familiar so my head turns to Riley's position as fast as it can. My heart starts beating faster and I grab Robbie's hand.

''What happened?'' I ask paniced

''This girl just stepped on Riley's foot,'' Robbie says and I hear a bit of anger in his voice. I watch the field and see everyone surrounding Riley. A boy I recognize as Levi and the goalkeeper go to the girl that injured Riley. They seem to be angry and yelling at her. Levi steps back and helps their coach carry Riley to the side. I can't tear my eyes away from Riley, I just hope it's not too bad.

''You're Lizzie and Robbie, right? Riley's parents?'' The boy I recognize as Levi asks as he suddenly appears in front of us. Robbie nods quickly before I follow.

''yes, you're Levi right?'' I ask

''Yeah, look Riley's hurt you need to come with me.'' He says and since we already stoot up, Robbie just bends down to grab my bag and we're on our way to Riley. I bent down to her and saw the pain in her eyes. I hold her hand and just whisper sweet nothings to her.

''Okay, kiddo, we've gotta get you to the hospital. I'm sorry. Can I pick you up and carry you to the car? Levi is grabbing your stuff.'' Robbie tells Riley.

''Okay, yes you can,'' She tells him. Robbie bends to pick Riley up. At the movements, I hear a soft groan and then she turns all pale.

''Wow, Robs stop. Riley, look at me, are you okay?'' I ask Riley and she looks at me confused. ''You turned all pale,'' I say softly and wipe some hair out of her face.

''Mama?'' She whispers softly, sounding a little scared before limping into Robbie's arms. Just like the last time she passed out, I stayed calm on the outside. Don't get me wrong there is a war going on in my head but I can't let it show. It won't be helpful for Robbie to have to worry about Riley and calm me down at the same time, plus he is also freaking out himself, I can see so in his eyes.

The medic tells us she probably passed out because of the amount of pain she is in. We nod and continue to carry her to the car. Levi passes us all her stuff and we thank him. At the car, I get in first and Robbie sits Riley down. I lay her down so her hand is in my lap.

Robbie gets behind the wheel and drives us to the hospital. I keep my eyes on Riley, hoping she will open hers but it doesn't happen. Robbie parks the car and runs out to get a wheelchair. I keep looking at Riley, I honestly don't even notice Robbie is there until he opens the door on my side and puts his hand on my shoulder.

''It will be okay, Liz,'' He says and he smiles at me. I nod my head but stay in the car. Robbie goes to the other side again and puts Riley in the wheelchair. We walk into the hospital and Robbie goes up to the desk while I stay a little behind with Riley. Out of the corner of my eyes I see someone familiar and I turn my head to get a better view but I see he is already looking at us. Well, he is looking at Riley.

Robbie walks to us and tells me we have to wait a little. I tell him I need to use the restroom and he takes a seat with Riley next to him. After searching for him for about 10 minutes I see him lurking into the waiting room. I walk to the him and tap his shoulder.

''Excuse me, what are you doing here?'' I ask

''I work here,''

''Do you, now? Last time I met you, you were delivering a package to my house remember,'' I say and I see some shock in his eyes. ''Look, you're not getting her alone with you or anything, so I suggest you stop stalking us and go find a life." I say sternly

"Look lady, I don't know who you think you are-"

"No, I don't know who you think you are but this is not happening. You're going to turn your ugly self around and if you show your face one more time I will make you're life a living hell" I say more sternly. He swallows and turns around. I sign before walking back to my family. I smile when I see Riley sitting sideways on Robbie's lap with her head on his shoulder.

I walk to them and sit next to Robbie. "Hey, loves" I say and Riley smiles at me.

"Hey! This gurl just had her feet picture taken," Robbie says

"Gross" Riley mumbles "and they gave me the good stuff so no pain anymore," she smiles and I just shake my head at the both of them.

Turns out Riley has a Medial ankle sprain and indeed passed out because of the pain. Sadly enough there is not much they can do about it. She just have to take loads of rest.

After we got the news Robbie drove us home and we made a stop at the macDonalds drive trough.

We eat our very healthy dinner on the couch with Riley's favorite show. She is cruled up into Robbie's side and even though I am missing her cuddles I love that she is closer to him now.

Published: December 2nd, 2023

This chapter is the definition of a anti cliffhanger in my opinion...

Let look at the countdown... chapter 43 out of 50 done...

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