Tamed (3) 🍋

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I woke up crying. I knew he would want to be intimate again. My lower was hurting so much that I couldn't control my tears. But he would never understand.

He watched as i awoke, tears streaming down on my face. He chuckled , his cold heart filled with delight at my pain and humiliation. "Oh, dear," he purred, running a finger lightly over my cheek. "Did you miss me already?"

"I hate you!" I said him raising my voice.

Black's eyes flashed with anger at my defiance. "Hate me all you want," he growled, grabbing my hair roughly. "It only makes me more powerful over you." His other hand found its way between my legs, his fingers pressing against my still sensitive area.

I moved away my face again. I hated him so much. Then i started,"I thought I could find someone lovable but You...."

He laughed softly, his grip on my hair tightening. "You think you can escape me so easily?" He asked. "You are mine now, body and soul. There is no escape from my love."

"I am not your love. your just using me!" I said as I was trying to get away from his iron grip.
"Love is not always gentle," he replied. "Sometimes it has to be cruel to break down resistance. And you, my dear, are most definitely resisting." He leaned in close, his breath hot against my neck. "But don't worry," he purred.
Tears fell down from my eyes. It was hurting.

"I'll make sure you understand the depth of my affection," he promised, his fingers beginning to move rhythmically against my sensitive folds once more. "And when you do, perhaps you'll learn to appreciate the twisted love I have for you."

"Then give me some space! let me love you! I can't love someone so easily!" I said gasping!
"You misunderstand," he said with a chuckle. "You don't get to choose who you love or how. Love is a force that overwhelms us, controls us. And in time, you will see that I am the only one you've ever loved."
"but love is not force" I told him angrily. The monster who killed everyone, now teaching me what is love!
"In our world," he started his lecture again with his low and dangerous tone "love can be both a force and a weakness. But make no mistake, you are mine now, and I will do whatever it takes to keep you under my control."

"I am yours I know but I want time to love you" I tried to stop him for his wild actions, who never understood what love feels like!
"Time is something I'm not inclined to give," he warned me. "You belong to me now, body and soul. It's only a matter of time before you accept your fate and embrace the love I have for you."
I couldn't understand what he was saying, his language was too formal for me.
"Please give me some space" This time I closed my eyes as a sign of being pissed.
Black chuckled "You've already given me all the space I need," he pointed out. "And now I intend to make you understand the depth of my affection for you." Oh god! Again his formality.
His fingers trailed gently down on my neck, his touch was so cool against my skin. "Fighting me only makes it more thrilling," he whispered against my ear. "But remember, my love for you is unyielding."

I had a denying silence. I was trying to move away his hand again and again. But he never stopped. His other hand slid between me, once again. He thrust his fingers deeper inside me, his touch rougher now. "Tell me you belong to me," he growled.
I started crying. He was too rough and cold. Atleast he didn't hurt me or tortured me. He just wanted to make me love him but his way was wrong. I waited for the true time when I would make him understand my feelings. I have to pull out his softness.
"I belong to you!" Finally I said him but my goal was making him say that he belongs to me. I can't suffer alone. He said he loves me so he has to suffer with me too. So he could understand what is love.

"There we go," he purred like a cat, his lips brushing against my skin. "Now, let's see how far I can make you love me."
"so you show your love through sex." I asked him. That time I just wanted to fuck him roughly. His messy hair and raspy voice was driving me crazy. But I controlled myself. Black pulled back slightly, his eyes were flashing with an unyielding passion. "Love isn't always gentle or kind," he said. "It can be possessive, demanding, and yes, even consummated through sex.
"you will love me but I can't love You" I teased him but secretly. I knew he would be angry like a fool again.

A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Time will tell," he replied, his fingers finding their way back down there. "But remember, whether you love me or not, I'll always be here, claiming you as mine." Oh really? I laughed in my mind.

"So my husband is a villain! " I said him and I waited see him getting goosebumps.
The word 'husband' sent a shiver down his spine. He leaned in close, his warm breath tickling my ear. "Indeed, you are mine," he whispered.
He didn't know that I could be bold. I just waited for the perfect time.
"You are a villain!" I said him angrily!
The word 'villain' only seemed to fuel his desire further. His hands gripped my hips tighter, his fingers tracing lightly over my sensitive skin. "And you are my captive," he growled, his lips brushing against mine.
I should have bite those lips, which dared to touch me. I was loosing my control on myself. His lips were so soft and pink.

At that time my phone rang.
Thank God it stopped him and me. Or I would show him the love for him and he would thought that he made me his because of force not love.
Black's grip on my hips loosened slightly as he pulled back, his eyes narrowing in irritation. "Answer it," he commanded, his tone a low growl. "I need a moment to regain my composure."
"its my phone anyways" I teased him and picked up the phone....
"Answer it," he repeated, his voice was even harsher. "I won't tell you again." He stalked over to the couch, sitting down heavily and glaring at me.

I said on the phone,"hello, I am at my friend's home. bye !" It was my uncle. He is such a fucked up person. I had to live with him but my luck was to live with this sexy monster, who had got a boner now.

Black watched me closely, his heartbeat slowly was returning to normal. "Good," he said, his voice still edged with annoyance. "Now that you've taken care of that distraction, we can resume where we left off."
"I hate you." Cause I wanted to get back his desire.
He stood up, his eyes blazing with raw anger. "You little bitch," he hissed. "You don't know anything about love or what it really means. You can hate me all you want, but you'll never be free of me, do you understand?"

"No" I answered.

His hand shot out, gripping my arm tightly. "You'll learn," he said, his voice was dangerously low. "You'll learn to love me, even if it kills you." He pulled me closer, his mouth pressing roughly against mine. "He tastes so good! " I thought.
I grabbed a kniFe, which was for my self defence. I was feeling love and hate for him at the same time.
"Oh, now you're trying to be clever," he sneered. "But remember, you're mine. You can't hurt me without hurting yourself." He snatched the knife out of my hand, tossing it aside with a flick of his wrist.
I ran towards the upper stairs and reached on the roof. Cause I couldn't get the perfect time but I had an idea....
Next update soon.
Sorry for the mistakes

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