Cedric cackles coyly under his breath while awaiting the final drip of the potion to fall. Holding the test tube on his hand, the only ingredient that was needed is this certain drop
"And..." He muttered, patiently waiting for it to drop
When it finally did, the solution had changed color into a mint green one which eventually caused a purple smoke to form. When it finally evaporated, a set of pink and blue bracelets was on the table. Cedric smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment of what he has created
He called it the magnet bracelts. It has two versions - the plus bracelet with the color blue and the minus bracelet with the color pink. Like magnets the opposite attracts and the similar repels. Two people with the same color of badges will repel but if they have different colors, they will attract and stick with each other like magnets. And it lasts a whole day too
Of all things he has done, this had got to be without a doubt one of the smartest things too. He got the idea from reading about this blue cat and the boy he's hosting
But before his thoughts could drift off, an idea came to him. He left the workshop and hurried to the garden to see Sofia playing with her friends
"Hi, Princess Sofia" he grinned at her, as she turned to him
"Mister Ceedric?" her eyebrows raised "This is rather... unsual.."
"What? How can you say that?" He kept his grin at her
"Because you went through the effort to go outside just to talk to me" Sofia explained "Usually that doesn't happen because I'm the one who will make my way to your workshop to talk to you"
"Is that a good thing... or a bad thing?" he hesitated, looking away
"I think it's a good thing. I like talking to Mister Ceedric~" she responded with a smile with her eyes closed
"Right..." The idea came to him and he rested his hand on her shoulder "Well I'm glad you think that way, Sofia. Personally, I would want us to be closer too"
"You know what... I have something for you, Sofia" he pulls out a pair of bracelets from his pocket which caught her curiosity
"Woah.. what are those?" she leaned in closer
"These are for you... choose one" he uttered
"Really? Thank you!" she stared at both the bracelets but couldn't make up her mind. Eventually, Cedric lost his patience
"Look just take them both okay!" Cedric handed her the bracelets. Sofia smiled at him as she wore the blue one. Cedric took note of this and smirked
"Anyways, I gotta dip now. See you around, Princess" he turned around and walked the other direction
When Cedric finally makes some distance from her, a feint laugh can be heard coming from him. He then pulled out a bracelet with the same color as she wore
This way, she definitely would be repelled from him throughout the rest of the day. Contrary to what he has said to her earlier
"A day away from that girl would be a good day for me indeed. And she couldn't even do them visits she always does too!" he thought to himself while rubbing his hands "Now on whom should I use the pink bracelet on? It should be a very pretty girl for sure so that the both of us could spend the rest of the day close to each other" he was literally drooling fantasizing about this
He decided to take get out of the castle gates and do some sight-seeing for a change. And it didn't take long before he finally spots a certain maiden up ahead – not even a few steps away from the castle yet
"Long brown hair, sapphire blue eyes and long eyelashes..." Cedric was almost drooling staring at her "And that body that resembles an hourglass?"
"She's the one!!" Excitingly, Cedric thought to himself while rubbing his hands. And so, he approached her and introduced himself
"Oh nice to meet you, Cedric. My name is Jill and I just moved here yesterday!" They shook hands and Jill walked ahead "See you around, Cedric" she waved at him
"Where do you think you're going??" he snarkily uttered as he pulls out a pink bracelet. But before he could put offer it to her, a certain voice from afar caught his attention. And when he turned, he notices Sofia herself floating to his direction
"What the heck is that!!" he started to run away but Sofia was flying and following wherever he goes. Eventually, he ran out of stream and stopped – and Sofia finally catches up to him as she fell right in his arms
"Hey, Mister Ceedric.. ehe-he" she greeted him with a quirky giggle, currently being held by Cedric in a princess carry
"What's going on, Sofi.." his words cut off noticing the bracelet she was wearing was now pink instead of blue "You changed your bracelet!?"
The girl nodded "I figured it would be fitting with my pink dress and all. Then all of a sudden.."
"It flew me to Mister Ceedric's arms!" amazement took over her expressions while explaining
Cedric could only sigh as he watches Jill turn to a corner and disappear from his sight. What he thought was a perfect plan has ended on yet another tragedy
He heard a giggle and he turned to her
"What?""I knew these bracelets had something in them" she explained "My Sofia Senses were tingling"
And with this, Cedric knew it was a wrap. Because of some shenanigan, he just accepted the simple fact that he will be spending his whole day bound to Sofia. Ironic how the very thing he's trying to get away from will be stuck with him for the rest of the day.
T h e E n D
"So what does it do, Mister Ceedric?"
"Not much... except the fact that you will be stuck with me for the rest of the day because those bracelets are powered like magnets that will attract opposite forces for the whole day" Cedric explaining, trying to wipe that smirk off her lips "Still think it's all fun and games, my dear princess?"
"Well.. I don't have anything to do today so I'm happy I get to spend my entire day with Mister Ceedric!" she looked excited saying this, completely doing the opposite of the reaction he expected from her"Well you did say you wanted to get close to me earlier..." Sofia recalled with her finger on her lips. She then beamed him a leer with a smirk playing on her lips "I guess you got what you wished for!"
"What did I ever do to deserve this??"