[10] The Good, the Bad, the Cat

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It was the day after Ochaco and Izuku debuted as Mochibug and Black Neko. Once they reached back home and separated their way to their apartments, they were questioned by their parents on why they were coming in so late. After giving some excuses for coming late, they went to their beds and passed out not even bothering to change their clothes. They woke up the next day 10 minutes after their alarms, rushed to take baths, and changed into clean

uniforms. Upon exiting their apartments, they saw each other and talked like they usually do with a hint of exhaustion.

"Morning Deku," Ochaco said yawning. 

"Morning Ochaco," Izuku also said, yawning while rubbing his eyes. Once he was finally able to see, he squinted them upon seeing Ochaco's hair. "Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" she asked not understanding what he meant.

"I mean, your hair's kind of messy," he said pointing at it. Ochaco went ahead, touched it, and felt how unkept it was. That caused her to blush in embarrassment.

"Oh uh, I kinda got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and kind of forgot to comb it," she said scratching the back of her neck while laughing in embarrassment. "But what about you?"

"Huh?" Izuku said with an eyebrow raised.

"I mean, you got bags under your eyes," she said pointing at his face. Not understanding either, he pulled out his smartphone, turned on the inward camera, and looked at his reflection. And just like what Ochaco said, his eyes looked a little puffy. "Didja do something other than shop for your mom last night?"

"Um, yeah I was, uh..." Izuku said stuttering as memories of last night flowed straight into his head: meeting a genie-like creature, possessing a ring with magical powers of destruction, fighting a possessed teenager with rock abilities, and so on. Using his brain and quick thinking, he spoke with a sweaty face. "Sketching! Yeah, I was sketching another hero into my book"

"Sketching huh?" Ochaco asked confused and surprised considering how he had given up on becoming a hero. "Well then, who'd you draw this time?"

"I, uh, drew..." Izuku said rubbing both his hands nervously trying to find the right answer without revealing his identity as the new vigilante. His eyes widened as the answer came into his head due to how he was feeling the metallic ring on his finger and upon the mention of the word 'vigilante' in his head. "...the new superhero duet"

"Superhero Duet?" Ochaco asked.

"Well, I don't know if you heard, but there was a villain attack last night, and it was stopped by two superheroes who kinda looked liked Paris' old duo team Ladybug and Cat Noir," he explained. Upon hearing that, Ochaco's eyes widened as memories from the night before began to flow into her head: meeting a genie-like creature, possessing earrings with magical powers of creation, fighting a possessed teenager with rock abilities, and so on. "If I recall they were..."

"Mochibug and Black Neko?" she asked unconsciously. Realizing what she said, she placed both her hands on her mouth while Izuku looked at her surprised.

"How'd you know?" he asked.

"Oh, uh, while I was on my walk yesterday, I passed an electronics store that had all its TVs set to live news. I even saw Mina on it with them," she said making up a story on the fly.

"Ashido was there too. Woah, it must've been crazy for her," Izuku said pretending to be clueless. "Maybe we can call her and ask how she and her friend are doing later?"

"Good idea," Ochaco said as the two of them proceeded down the stairs of their apartment. "I'm still surprised Japan got its own Ladybug and Cat Noir"

"I know and they were both amazing, especially Mochibug," Izuku said unaware of how much Ochaco was blushing since he was looking into the front. "She was so brave and strong, I already acknowledge her as a hero"

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