Chapter Two

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"Does anyone work around her?!" said Sebry as the picked up the phone that had been ringing for over ten minutes.
     "She is actually gone I can't believe it she's gone..." said a woman's voice on the other end of the line.
      She was caught off guard she had expected it to be Herald who always called to say hi and report little things because of his dementia. The woman identified herself as Evelyn Lanchester and she described her location and the details of what was happening.
      Sebry was shocked after hearing the location. She did not want anything to do with that place ever again, she swore to never return whatsoever but with her job, she had no option. She called in two squad cars and they headed to the place.
    She let her long black hair hang loose as she stared out the window distracting herself from the fact that she would return to that awful place, a place that would forever be etched in her mind.
     As they pulled into through a dirt road, as the house slowly came to picture, she felt as if she was hearing echoes from her past all over again. She noticed that there were two people outside the house, a couple she presumed. The woman was crying hysterically, tears were bursting out in torrents of sobbing with slight gasps.
     She got out of the car and walked towards them.
  "Detective Sebry Williams I'll be with you today. Mind telling me the problem?" she asked.
    They didn't say anything instead just pointed for her to walk into the house. She opened the door slowly as she walked in, the sight that met her was rather disturbing. She couldn't help but notice the broken glass the blood all over the walls and something unusual... The bloody footprints heading up the stairs and through a dark hallway
      She called in the cops she was with and led them through the hall to familiar hallway. As they followed the footprints, guns in position, they were led to a room at the far end of the hallway. Sebry was familiar with that room she remembered everything. She froze close to the door it was as if she could hear the pounding of her own heart. Her heart palpitated and her feet quavered in trepidation.
     She reluctantly opened the door slowly, a stench hit her almost immediately and she guessed what they were about to encounter. The sight that met them was gruesome, nothing she could have imagined. There lay a lifeless body sprawled on the floor, neck twisted in a grotesque position, throat slit open and several bruises on the arms and legs.
   A single tear was dried on her cheek. Her white dress drenched in blood eyes rolled backwards the body was pale, white as snow. The sight was sickening, she walked out of the room and realised why the woman was crying so much. It was her daughter.
      Sebry called in a forensic team that would perform autopsy on the body. Soon the place was a crime scene. They were looking for any piece of evidence they could find as Sebry tried to talk to Evelyn. The name Evelyn rang a bell but Sebry turned a cold shoulder to it because it was not of importance at the time.
     They started chatting and she could tell that Evelyn was hurt deeply I mean, the pain of loosing your child is a lot to endure. She found out that the body was found that day and that Xchotil had been missing for about twenty six hours. She was shocked to find out that she had died on her birthday and on her mother's wedding day.
    After some talking Sebry headed back to the station to open a case on the whole thing. She couldn't help but wonder who would do such a hendious act to just an innocent girl who did nothing to derseve it. She swore to find the animal behind that act.

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