Something About Christmas Time, That Makes You Wish it Was Christmas Everyday

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A bonus chapter, dedicated to everyone else who has made this year special


Theo didn't expect to be driving two freshmen to Guelph during his Christmas holidays.

Yet there he was.

Thousands of headlights illuminated the dark highway, reds and yellow-white amidst the other Christmas lights of houses lining the road.

Ivan Miller and Luna Esposito, the kids in his backseat, were pointing out each one.

(Theo wouldn't admit it, but he was holding back laughter at some of the jokes they made as they did so.)

Theo's French Horn sat in the passenger seat beside him, a pang of guilt striking him as he glanced down at it. He'd sent a brief email to his band director to explain the situation, but he hadn't connected to Wi-Fi in order to see his response.

Theo wasn't even able to wish him a Merry Christmas in person.

Luna poking his headrest took him out of his thoughts. "Theo. The-o. Theooooo."


"We're supposed to turn here."

"Fuck!" Theo cursed, flicking on his turn signal. The problem of him being in the middle lane presented itself.

Thankfully, a car turned right in the lane next to him, and the next car in the line-up was nice enough to let him turn before them.

Theo exhaled. "Thanks, Luna."

"No problem."

"You haven't looked at the map in the past ten minutes." Ivan commented.

"I'm thinking."

Luna leaned forward. "About?"

"I'm in a car three hours away from my hometown, two freshmen and all my schoolwork in toe, Christmas is next week, and you're asking me what I'm thinking about."

She leaned back. "Ah. Point taken."

"Theo," Ivan leaned forward, "we're all in the same boat here. You can talk to us."

"You guys didn't even go to school in the fall. How could you possibly imagine not being able to tell your best friends Merry Christmas?" Theo snapped at him, before muttering under his breath. "You guys already have each other."

Ivan frowned as he leaned back, looking to Luna for help. She looked as lost as he was.

"We didn't have to leave-" Luna started.

"No. No, we did have to. Might I remind you of the fact we ran rampant in my school one night and set the chapel on fire?"

"That was the evil English guy!" Ivan jumped in.

"Doesn't even matter. I just-" Theo dragged a hand down his face as he pulled to a stop. "I just wanted to enjoy Christmas. I... couldn't last year."

"Theo-" Luna tried.

"But now I'm in a car, illegally, because if we're arrested the whole world is doomed. Merry Christmas to me."

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