The Body in the Kitchen (Part 1)

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"Feeder's log, starweight 256.80. Krystal and I are on our way to a boring state dinner on Fortuna.

"The stereotype is that everyone from Fortuna is, to put it bluntly, fat. And it bears out in truth, at least economically speaking. Corneria and Fortuna are great trade allies--Corneria exports medicine and technology for managing heavy lifestyles, and it imports delicious dino burgers. Aside from that, the wildlife on Fortuna is huge, and the planet is covered in feathered beasts called dinosaurs. The tons of oversized livestock probably add to Fortuna's waistline.

"Anyway, after we park the Great Fox on Fortuna, a limo will pick us up and take us to the prime minister's mansion. First, we'll dine with the prime minister and leaders of the three main political parties. Then, we'll stay the night and have breakfast the next day. Afterwards, Krystal will engage in foreign policy talks with the prime minister."

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So, Krystal and Fox arrived at the prime minister's mansion. It was palatial. Krystal and Fox exited their limo before a white house that was 50 meters wide and three stories tall. From the top hung decorative moulding in the shape of white drapes, as if the whole thing was one giant wedding cake.

Krystal wore a long dress covered in black sequins. She knew of the eating habits on Fortuna, so she'd purposely ordered something a little loose. She hadn't anticipated how quickly she would fill it out, though. Her round belly pressed against it, and every curve was perfectly visible through the dress. Her full breasts rest heavy but perky atop her stomach. They were tastefully cradled by her dress, but a few inches of white rounded cleavage still showed at the top. The straps of her dress wrapped over her shoulders, which were just a touch thicker and rounder than they had been months ago. Their subtly fattened flesh led down to chunky, blue-furred biceps. They were pillowy in their own right, and her weight gain had stretched their white tattoos. The pudge under her jawline had grown, too. Now that it was perfectly visible, it had graduated to a proper double chin.

Her wide hips lent yet more curves to her figure. In her elegant dress, their sweep crested a few inches wider than her gut. Her dress also clung to her plump butt cheeks, but it hung freely from there. A hole in the back let her fluffy blue tail hang out. Above that, the dress rigorously conformed to her lovehandles. They formed a crease at her sides that wrapped around to her back. Above each crease on her back was a band of flab beneath her shoulder blades.

Fox wore a tuxedo himself, with a black jacket, a white collared shirt, and worst of all, a black bow tie. He tugged at the bow tie, but somehow couldn't get it to feel comfortable.

"I'm excited," Krystal said, putting a hand to her stomach. "I've never had fresh cuisine from Fortuna before. Only the C-tran products. I'm interested to see how the quality compares."

"I'm sure it'll be an alright time," Fox said.

"I think you'll enjoy it more than that. You always get a kick out of me stuffing my face."

"Yeah, yeah," Fox said, a smile softening his expression.

The driver exited the limo as well. He was a waddling butterball of a collie clad in a tuxedo and chauffeur's cap. Next to him, Krystal looked downright lithe. He led them up a ramp to the front entrance, which was a double door wide enough to comfortably permit two of him side by side. With Krystal's every step, the sway of her hips and the bounce of her ass swished her lower dress back and forth.

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