Am i in the wrong?

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Sometimes i ask myself, after all that hate and accusing of wrongdoing. Am I really in the wrong?
But then I remembered, that there's noway in history that I put all that hard work and believing in myself for 2 years straight for nothing. I love being rcta and I am NOT in the wrong even if the hater's think differently, it doesn't bother me. That even all of my friends could dump me and my family hate me for it, it's just who i am and I can't change it. I am the best person in the world and even if you don't think so then I can't change that. I have a big ego and I love and appreciate myself, even if you hate yourself and then hate on others then I'm sorry but that's ignorant and childish and so on. As an rcta myself, i know that rctas/ectas have to have more self love and self esteem then others will ever have.
We love, appreciate, care and look out for yourselves because we have no other choice. If we don't appreciate or love ourselves then it would be impossible to have a good time with your rcta/ecta journey. It's the small things we should celebrate like, your eyelid is maybe 1 mm closer to your lash line then yesterday and it looks a bit more like your desired eye then yesterday then celebrate it. Buy your fav food or take a relaxing bath. Or maybe eat some cake if you'd like. Because it's the small things in life we should celebrate.

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