A Mother Always Knows [FEMDOM] [SCAT]

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The first message was a picture. It had been of a thick green log, bigger than my dick. The monstrosity laid in water half submerged, accompanied by soiled toilet paper and smaller clumps of fecal matter. It coiled, curving around with the bowl. There was a white streak down the side and an abundance of corns here and there throughout. Someone had eaten well, that much was obvious. What was not so obvious, was who had sent the message to me in the first place. The picture was paired with a text message..

I know something you don't know....

Though strange and sort of ominous, I continued to analyze the picture. Something about that bathroom seemed familiar but I just couldn't place it. Where had I seen those specific tiles before? And the fluorescent lighting? There was a pink rug on the ground in front of the toilet as well. I know I had seen that before. Where I saw it, was the question.

Admittedly, it was hard to concentrate. I couldn't take my eyes off of what had been deposited in that toilet for too long. If I didn't know what human shit looked like, I'd say it came from some beast's backside rather than one of us. I could only imagine the type of person it could come from. My first thought was a three hundred plus pound man. I couldn't imagine any normal size person would be able to eat enough to create it and harbor it inside of them, let alone dilate their asshole to the massive proportions necessary to let it out. Not only that but whoever it was, was bold enough to send a picture!

Eventually I stopped staring long enough to message back. Clearly whoever sent this was trying to be funny but sent it to the wrong number. Why would I get something like this out of the blue? Staring at the biggest turd I ever seen for even 5 minutes wasn't quite how I saw my Tuesday afternoon going, but I had been in awe. Finally I messaged back.

Whoever this is, I think you have the wrong number. That's actually kind of impressive if its real tho

About five minutes went by before I got a reply. I figured whoever sent it was mortified. Imagine taking a massive dumper and sending a picture of it to the wrong person! Hell, to anybody for that matter! When my text tone chimed, vibrating my phone against my leg, I expected a remorseful apology. What I got was something different.

No, Jonah. I didn't. And yes, it is real. Thank you

That's when the second picture came in. A picture of the same bathroom, with the same familiar tile and pink rug in front of the toilet. Inside of said toilet was another log. This one brown, floating in a yellow mixture of water and piss. This one must've been longer than the first though not quite as wide. It had broken up into a couple of smaller pieces but you could tell that at one point it was a solid turd that had split as it snaked out of an anus. Another message came in after it.

And I STILL know something you don't Jonah. Don't you wanna know what it is?

At first I was taken aback by the casual use of my name. This was someone that knew me. Someone with a fucked up sense of humor. I racked my brain trying to think who was this much of an asshole. Still, I had a hard time believing it was any of my friends. That pink rug just isn't their style. Finally after some time I came to the conclusion that the best way to find out what was going on was to play along. Whoever sent this was crazy, but that familiar feeling I kept getting from the background drove me forward. Curiosity kills the cat I guess. I reply.

Alright, I'll bite. What do you know that I don't? And what does it have to do with these massive turds you keep sending me?

A moment goes by before I get another text.

I know, maybe even better than you do, that you love my ass

The message is followed up by a picture of a familiar womans ass. Perfect, naked ebony skin covering two beautiful globes. A plump ass, soft and high, rising from a pair of thick thighs. It was obviously a woman. A woman with one of the best asses I had ever seen. I couldn't see her face but there in the back was the same rug and toilet from the other two pictures.

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The blood rushed to my cock as soon as I saw it. It couldn't be helped. I've always had an ass fetish. I have always loved everything about the female butt. From the look to the smell to the taste, ass has always been a weakness of mine. This may have been the nicest ass I've ever come across, internet or otherwise. And something about it seemed so familiar. The next text message broke my gaze with the picture and snapped me back to reality.

I know you Jonah, and I know what you like. I know what I have and I know you want it. I know you'll do anything to get it. Don't message me anymore. Call me. Now

All I could do was stare blankly at the words. What the hell was happening? I was playing my xbox one minute and the next I'm being told to call some beautiful woman with an ass unlike I've ever seen before. I was almost enough to make me forget about the giant turds she must've cut with that thing.


Another message had come through, she was losing her patience. Until I had saw her ass, I didn't care if she was upset, but after seeing that thing she deserves anything she wants. That ass was perfection. I dialed the number.

After a few rings and what felt like an eternity she finally answers.

"I knew you'd call." the voice on the end was sultry, slightly husky, and definite turn on. "Even after seeing what this ass can do, you just had to find out who the ass of your dreams belongs to huh?"

"Who is this?" I stammered

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out." she replies. She gets a good laugh out of that for whatever reason before continuing, "I know a lot of things that you didn't know I know. I also know a lot of things you'll eventually find out."

"For example?"

She laughs and I hear rustling over the phone line. Suddenly.... PFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTFFFFTT!

The unmistakable sound of a wet, bassy fart echoes over the phone speakers into ears and

instantly my cock starts throbbing. I can't think straight, all I can think about is that ass being near the phone.

More rustling and then she continues, " I know that your cock is rock hard right now, throbbing from just the sounds my ass produces. I know that in the back of your mind you're kind of wondering what it smells like. Does the methane my ass spits out smell as beautiful as my ass looks?"

My silence told her all she needed to know.

"The answer is yes, yes it does. Or at least that's what I've been told. I can't stand the smell of my own brand. I wanna let you decide." She's obviously proud of herself

"And how am I gonna do that over the phone?" I figured I'd call her bluff. If there was a point to all of this she was sure taking her time.

"Funny you should say that." then there was a knock on my apartment door. I froze for a moment, thinking this can't be real life. Who the hell was this lady and why can't I shake the feeling that I know her. This couldn't have been her at my door. I was convinced that this was going to be one of those horror movie moments where you go check the scary area and it turns out to be nothing. I just knew that it had to be. I knew...until I opened the door and there she was. Reina.

She looked at me and hung up her phone. She had on a pair of tie dye leggings that accented her frame perfectly, a black t shirt that could barely contain her breasts, and a smile that (if I remembered correctly) meant pure evil. It was the first time I had ever seen her smile at me. That was usually reserved for her various sexual conquests back in the time I knew her. I did, in fact, know her and memories of her restroom flooded back to me. The last time I had been in her house was a couple of years ago. I was there to see her daughter, my ex.

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