
375 16 0

Word Count: 1050


In cafeteria -

Yn and Yeonjun entered the cafeteria being all clingy

Yn: We have met after 7 years

Yeojun: Yeah I missed you

Yn: How was your work in London?

Yeonjun: Nice you won't believe but I finally killed that two most dangerous drug dealer

Yn: Noo wayyy

Yeonjun: Yep I did

Yn: Tell me more

Yeonjun: I will but later the Principle has called me to his office

Yn: Noo

You whinned

Yeonjun: I will be back quickly till that you have your lunch

Yn: Okie but be back soon

Yeonjun: Hmm

He said as he left for the office

But he was striked with sudden force and pushed into a empty classroom

Because of the sudden force his lips started to bleed as he wiped it and looked at the person

Yoongi: So you must be her childhood best friend

Yeonjun chuckled

Yeonjun: So you already know about me huh?

Yoongi: I don't know about anything but stay away from her you hear me? She is MINE

He said as he purposely brushed his shoulder with his and walked out of the room

Yeonjun darkly chuckled

Yeonjun: Oh dear how will you be able to become my brother in law with that attitude of yours Mr. Mafia King ?

He said to himself as he left the classroom too

After some time-

Yeonjun came back to where Yn was sitting and eating her food with Eun Ae

Yn: Got the stuff?

Yeonjun: Yep

Yn: Oh BTW I forgot to tell ya the Principle is a grumpy one

Yeonjun: Oh you could have said no sooner

He said as he sighed

Eun Ae: Walked in without knocking?

Yeonjun hummed

Yeonjun: Got a two hour wait after school

You both chuckled

Yeonjun: It's no funny okay?

Yn: Oh yeah it is

She said as she continued eating

But then she looked at Yeonjun and gasped

She went towards him and held his face

Yn: What happened to your lip?

Yeonjun: Nothing just a scratch

He said to her as he looked at Yoongi sitting at a distance glaring at him

Yn: That is no scratch you are coming with me to the infirmary now

She said as she dragged him with her

At infirmary-

They were waiting for the nurse to come when Yeonjun said

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