I asked an Ai to write a fanfiction 💀🙏

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Can you write a fanfiction about Jake Webber and Johnnie Guilbert but make it have a sweet ending 🙏

The Ai: 
Sure, here's a fanfiction story about Jake Webber and Johnnie Guilbert with a sweet ending:

Jake Webber and Johnnie Guilbert were two lifelong friends who had always been close, but they had never thought of each other as anything more than that. Johnnie had a crush on Jake when they were younger, but he had always been too shy to say anything. Jake, on the other hand, had always seen Johnnie as just a friend, and had never even considered that there could be anything more between them.

One day, they found themselves alone on a hiking trip, far from civilization. They were tired and hungry, and Johnnie suddenly found himself looking at Jake differently. He realized that he had always loved him, and he couldn't keep it a secret any longer. He mustered up the courage and decided to confess his feelings to Jake.

Jake was surprised, but not upset. He had always loved Johnnie, too, but had never had the courage to say anything. They talked for hours, confessing their feelings for each other and sharing their hopes and dreams for the future.

And then, as the sun set over the mountains, they kissed for the first time. It was a moment that neither of them would ever forget. They had finally found love, in each other's arms, high on a mountainside, far from the rest of the world. And they knew that their love would last a lifetime.

Anyway. It wasn't that bad ig😒

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