anger and apologies - C.S

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Pairing - Chris Sturniolo/Reader

Summary - After a bad day, Chris snaps at you. Later, he tries to fix it.

Tags/CW - Chris being a dick for a minute, then being a bit clueless, reader sad and crying, Nick and Matt being good bros but also caring about the reader

Requested? - yes! hope you like it anon 🖤

Chris had been in a bad mood all day. He didn't sleep well, his breakfast upset his stomach, he didn't eat lunch, his dinner had been made wrong and was cold at the restaurant you all went to, he had a headache, and was just feeling not good. He didn't really feel like being around people, but had made plans with you and his brothers and didn't want to back out. So, here he was, in the living room with all of you.

You had picked up on this, as Chris wasn't the best at hiding his emotions. You had checked in quietly a couple times with him, to which he just said he was fine with a tight smile. But you wanted to see one of those real, 1000 watt smiles of his. Smiles always make everyone feel better. So you tried to crack some jokes, which made his brothers cackle, but barely got a smirk out of chris. You didn't give up though.

You then went the route of showing him some funny tiktoks, but soon that proved to be a bad idea. On the third TikTok you showed him, he snapped at you loudly, grabbing the attention of his brothers who had been engrossed in their own conversation.

"God, can you just shut up and leave me alone?! You're so fucking annoying! I'm not in the mood to watch stupid ass tiktoks." He yelled as he got up from the couch, walking off to his room and slamming the door, leaving you shocked. Your face flushed with shame and embarrassment as tears welled in your eyes. He never yelled at you before, and all you were trying to do was to make him feel better. While you sat there embarrassed and surprised, nick jumped up and walked briskly after him, hollering that he couldn't just speak to you like that. However, he was met with Chris slamming his bedroom door in his face and the subtle click of the lock.

You swallowed the lump in your throat as you pocketed your phone and stood up, wiping your now clammy hands on your pants and looking down, not meeting Matt's concerned gaze that you could feel on you.

"I, um-" you clear your throat, "I think I'm gonna go home. I'm sorry," you pause, sniffling a bit before you swallow again and roughly wipe away the stubborn tears that you wish would stop, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset him, I was just-"

Matt can't stand to hear your unnecessary apology shaking his head and standing with you.

"Hey, it's okay. He was out of line, you did nothing wrong here," matt tells you softly, before checking his phone, "it's 2 am, it's pretty late. You could stay if you'd want? You can stay in my room, I'll sleep out here? Or I can drive you home?" He offers.

"No I'll just drive myself home, I drove here so," you say again, still sniffling.

Matt frowns at your response, looking worried and not relieved like you thought he'd be. Why wouldn't he want you to just go? It would probably save him some awkwardness in the house tonight?

"I'd feel better if you stayed or let me drive you. You're upset, and it's not good to drive when you're emotional especially when you can avoid it. You're not just Chris's girlfriend, you're our friend and I wouldn't be a good friend if I let you out into what could be a dangerous situation," he explains, softly.


"Okay. Can you take me home, please?" You ask and he gives you a small smile and nods.

"Yeah I can," he says grabbing his keys off the stand and walking you out to his car.

You got into the passenger side and were immediately hit with a big whiff of Chris's cologne since this was the seat he normally sat in. The smell normally comforted you but instead just made you even more sad. You felt tears well up again as you began to cry openly now, making matt turn to you with a sad and concerned look from the drivers seat after starting the car.

"I'm sorry," he tells you, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly.

After hearing the car start up out front, Nick came running out the front door, surprising you when he opened one of the rear doors and jumped in.

"Whats going on?" Nick asks, slightly out of breath from running out to you both.

"She wanted to go home, but I don't want her driving while she's so upset so I'm going to drive her," Matt explains, and you nod, wiping away tears.

"Babe, I'm so sorry about Chris. He was way out of line and took his shitty mood out on you, which isn't okay," Nick tells you, looking remorseful.

"It's okay," you say softly, voice quiet.

"It's really not," Matt tells you.

"You guys don't have to take my side in this, I was annoying him and he's your brother and I don't want to cause a fight or make things hard," you explain to them, not wanting to cause problems. The two brothers quickly shake their heads.

"We're not taking sides. Yes, Chris is our brother, we love him unconditionally and always will, but that doesn't mean we just ignore when he's a dick. We can love him, but still hold him accountable and care about how he treats you," Nick explains, the voice of reason.

"Yeah, you're important to us, too" Matt says in agreement.

You smile tearfully at the two men with you, you heart feeling a bit better than it did a minute ago. Chris had your heart, but his two brothers were also incredibly important to you, and it did feel better to know they weren't about to just drop you or turn their back on you when you and Chris weren't seeing eye to eye.

"Thank you guys," you say to them, your tears coming to a stop.

They both give you small smiles and you all buckle up before Matt pulls out of the driveway to drive you home to your apartment.

Matt dropped you off and made his way back to their house. Upon arriving home, both brothers went in with the intention of having a serious conversation with their youngest brother, but decided against it when they found him in a deep sleep in his bed.

The night passed quickly and quietly. Chris awoke to rays of sunlight peaking through his blinds. He let out a sigh as he stretched, feeling good and well rested, before rolling over on his side and patting the surface of the bed, searching. His eyebrows furrowed together as he found just cold sheets, and no you. He opened his eyes, blinking a few times as he realized he was alone. Figuring you were up with his brothers already, he made his way into the kitchen, to only find Matt and Nick, both greeting him silently with serious looks on their faces.

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