dear diary. 7

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Last night might've just been the worst sleep I've ever gotten in a while. I finally got to go back into my room but it feels off. I don't like it. Like I'm glad I got my room back, but it's just weird. Seeing the mess in my room compared to ragathas EXTREMELY clean room makes me feel dirty. I'm gonna clean it up. Not now though, I wanna hang out with the others. I'll tell you how it went when I come back.

It was fun! We didn't go on a scary adventure this time, we went on a nice one. Caine spawned a door that had a field full of different flowers. My favorite were the lilacs. Pretty basic, but what can I say? Look at me. Zooble didn't seem like they had a interest in the flowers but kinger was all over them. He was terrified at first but I guess he warmed up to them. Pomni likes the pink flowers and ragatha likes the roses. Gangle had a huge obsession with the flowers that looked like elephants. I thought they were cool, but lilacs are just better. We spent hours in there and had a fun time. I swear I let out the biggest sigh in the world when I laid down, it was so comfortable. I fell asleep because I was exhausted from everyone including myself running around. When I woke up everyone else was asleep, too. It was a sweet experience. I dicided to walk farther away from the others and found a bunch of cool plants. But..I did find one that looked very similar to that smoking plant. I thought it was funny and I continued to walk around for a bit until ragatha called me. I ran back like a child running back into the house for dinner. After a bit of us just settling down in the main area of the circus I found out there were showers. Crazy how I didn't know about them before. I dicided to take one and it felt so weird. It was nice and warm and feeling water hit my furr felt amazing. I felt like I was washing all of my worries away. I felt like a actual person for once. Until I fell on my back. Ouch. When I got out and went back to the others, I told them how bad my back hurt. Fucking zooble said "did your gay @$$ get fucked or something?" I disembodied them so fast. That was disgusting. After that whole situation, ragatha dicided to put on that eyelash cream stuff that made your eyelashes darker and longer. I pretended to be a girl and kept fluttering my eyes and said "I'm the most special girl in the world, how could you not know me?" And stuff like that in a high pitched girly voice. She laughed and wiped it off of me when we were getting ready for bed.  I said my goodbyes and walked to my room. Now I'm here and I'm about to go to sleep. So, bye. Have a goodnight.


edit: why tf would i censor out ass but not fuck bru 😿

edit: why tf would i censor out ass but not fuck bru 😿

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