The Bus

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''Karen.. Deucey Girl.. wake up babe. Time for breakfast. I'm not going to wait.'' Aaron carried me bridal-style.

I groaned, ''Its morning already?''

He smiles, ''Just open your eyes and you'll see. Besides you were awake a few hours ago.''

''Put the girl down Deuce, and stop staring down her shirt.'' Jesse says and throws a pillow at him.

''Why did I wear a tanktop?!'' I laugh, catch the pillow, and threw it back at her.

Aaron set me down on the couch and gave me a long kiss.

''So the agenda for today, J-dog?'' Matt had just fixed his hair in the mirror.

''Well the girls have a few songs they need to re-do for their album, and they need to talk to the photographer about next week's photo shoot. Umm and the guys have to go to 'Hot Topic' for the fans, signing is included. Then we need to finish our new song atleast by today. So yea, get dressed and we'll drop the girlies off in the studio.'' Jorel said getting our guitars.

''You heard Josh?'' Aaron yelled to the front of the bus.

Josh was our new bus driver. The last one was a heavy drinker, worse than Jordan. Let's just say we almost died..

''Yep. We'll be there in about 20 minutes.''

I got up to take a shower before Johnny, Destiny, or anyone could beat me to it. Of course Dylan stepped in.

He chuckles, ''Nice try girlie.''

''Damnit, Funny Man.'' I sit in Aaron's lap and all he does is laugh.

The guys get a real laugh from messing with the girls. All of us.

''Chill, we can get him back.'' Isabella chimes in.

''Fuck yes!'' Matt high-fived her.

''Talk about over reacting.'' I wispered to Aaron.

He laughs and squezes me.

''Speaking of GAGING,'' Jesse points at us, ''where's Jordan and Molly?''

''Sleeping I bet.'' Destiny went to sneak up on them with a water gun.

<After A Few Min.>

''Bitch put the gun down..'' Jordan yelled.

''Oh yea? Wacha gunna do about it? Huh?'' Destiny pointed it like a real gun and pretended to load it.

''Destiny, I will kill you if you shoot us.'' Molly finnaly woke up.

''You got nothin' on me!'' Now she sounded like a deranged maniac.

''Stephanie, put the gun down.'' A sly look was in Molly's eyes.

Charlie fell out of the bunk laughing his ass off. Everyone knew Destiny hated her real name, she acted like a little kid whenever someome used it against her.

Funny Man finnaly came out, ''I always miss everything.''

I skiped to the shower giving him a playful 'your dead' look. He just stuck his tongue out. In a few minutes I was out, changed, and ready.

''Hey, there she is.'' M. Scene came into veiw to fix her hair.

It was amazing, almost like mine its straight as hell, but hers was all blonde except the redish-maroon on her tips and undernieth.

''Heyy Molly. Sup, Johnny.'' He was still sleeping, with a bottle by his side.

After a few 'finishing touches' we were done, ''Ready?''

''Shready!'' she conga lined outside to the others.

After our good-byes we steped out the bus to the recording studio.

''Let's get er' done.'' Taylor sighed.

''Loaded Gun, is going to be first girls.'' The guy siting at the control pannels eating chinese take out food told us.

We got confy in the boothes with the headphones.

The instrumental rolled in. It was Taylor's part.

*Ahhh, Thx for the reads♥^.*

Hollywood Undead; Girl VersionWhere stories live. Discover now