Y/n's POV
I was on twitch, when I see a live. Someone is playing a game, the game was 'Boyfriend to death'. I clicked on the twitch live.
Moth's POV
"Welcome y/u/n (your username)" I go back to playing the game. "Hey guys what should I put my name as?" I look at the chat, and everyone kept just saying to use my name. "ha-ha, ok, ok, ok." I put my name in as 'Moth' my name. "Chat, who's route?" I see someone said, 'Strade's route!!!'
Y/n's POV
I send my chat saying, 'Strade's route!!!' "Ok! Strade it is!" 'holy shit! that was from me!' After an hour or so, I heard them say, "Oh mein Verdammnisgott. Warum ist Strade so heiß!?" 'I have no fucking idea what that means.' The same moment I heard them say that someone put a sound up 'or whatever it's called.' Moth laughed, but when they laughed, they also got burned by Strade.
Moth's POV
"SHIT! GOD SHITTING DAMNIT!" I was confused by what happened. 'I was following the same route to where he keeps me!' "What the hell...." I sigh as I run a hand over my face "Sorry chat. Let's pick this up tomorrow..." I end the stream
Y/n's POV
'Aw man it was doing so well......well I can play the game myself; it is free. Let's go play!'
time skip bc I'm a bit lazy
Y/n's POV still
'holy shit.... that was a bit traumatizing. how did they do that laughing!? And smiling!? Just holy shit. I sigh. I need to make dinner now, it's already 8 pm.' I go the kitchen to get it ready for dinner. I get out all the things I need out to make dinner, not tonight world, I'm making dinner this time 'you can cook, you can do anything!'.
When I started to cook, my phone went off. "Who's calling me?" I answer my phone "Hello?" "Hello! I was told to call this number." 'Holy shit! this is Moth's one brother; he goes by MM!' "Oh! Is that true?" I hear a click like something turned off "NO! Did you reallyyyy think someone would call you!? HAHA-" I hang up. 'It was a fucking voice changer'. 'THAT BITCH! That fucker always does that! Why can't he leave me alone!? fucking hell. I need to get back to making dinner.'
This time no one called or texted me. I put some Ghost on, Rats started to play (you can change this if you want)
time skip
Y/n's POV still
I was now done making dinner, I put some of my dinner on a plate/ in bowl, and I sit on my couch. I search for a horror movie to put on, I come across a horror movie, 'My bloody valentine' seems like a good movie to watch, I mean valentines day is tomorrow, SOOO, yeah let's watch it!'
time skip bc I don't know what to write
Moth's POV
'Doom God.... what the hell happen?' I stand up from my desk chair, I was pissed off, more at myself. I walk down the stairs of my cabin/house, I turn to look in the living room "What the fuck..."
.....Anddd that's the end for now. If something was spelt wrong, please tell me, it would be nice. For now, Have a good Day/night!